Monday, Dec. 23
Happy Hanukkah!
Tuesday, Dec. 24
Let There Be Light
The Table: Unite Church of Christ of La Mesa hosts a Christmas Eve candlelight service of lessons and carols. 7 p.m. at 5940 Kelton Ave., La Mesa. Visit tableucc.com.
Wednesday, Dec. 25
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, Dec. 26
Happy Kwanzaa!
Sunday, Dec. 29
‘PJ Masks Live! Save The Day’
PJ Masks is back with an all new super-heroic, live musical show featuring the heroic trio from the popular cartoon show. 5 p.m. at The Magnolia, 210 East Main St., El Cajon. Tickets are $29.50 available at livemu.sc/2sojq9P.
Tuesday, Dec. 31
Roaring ’20s Dance
Roaring ’20s New Year’s Eve Party with live music by Blue Zone. Light dinner, party favors and more! Come dressed to impress! 1920s theme costume contest for best 1920s dressed. Ring in the ’20s with us! Since prohibition was still in effect in the ’20s, we will toast the New York new year at 9 p.m. with sparkling cider. 6-10 p.m. at La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd. $15 tickets. Contact Rosa Alcaraz at [email protected] or call 619-667-1322.
Stand Back Blues BandGuitarist Dave Gleason leads an all-star band for a New Year’s Eve party at the Riviera Supper Club & Turquoise Room, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. 9 p.m. Free.
Friday, Jan. 3
Meteor Shower HikeJoin REI for a night hike at a local park during one of the meteor showers this year! Just outside the city, away from a lot of the ambient light, we’ll hike by headlamp over moderate terrain and enjoy the picturesque atmosphere. Some hiking experience is recommended for this activity. Bring your sense of adventure and a list of wishes! Hopefully we’ll see lots of shooting stars but even if we don’t, it’s a great chance for a night hike in a beautiful area. 7-10 p.m. at Mission Trails: Cowles Mountain, 7055 Golfcrest Drive, San Diego. Tickets are $25 for REI members, $35 for nonmembers. Register at bit.ly/2PhHpAs.
Saturday, Jan. 4
‘Back To The Sixties’Concert featuring Howard Blank’s The Outsiders band. The Outsiders were/are a national recording and touring act with several Billboard hit songs from the mid-1960s, including the 1966 No. 5 hit song “Time Won’t Let Me,” No. 15 “Respectable,” No. 21 “Girl in Love,” No. 37 “Help Me Girl” – plus four albums. 7:30 p.m. at the Joan B. Kroc Theatre, 6611 University Ave. Tickets range $46-$52, available at bit.ly/2pTROII.
Thursday, Jan. 9
Art GarfunkelFames folk singer Art Garfunkel performs at The Magnolia, 210 East Main St., El Cajon. 7 p.m. $30 tickets available at bit.ly/2YMZ5XW.
Friday, Jan. 10
‘God of Carnage’
Through Feb. 9“God of Carnage” relates an evening in the lives of two couples, residents of a Brooklyn neighborhood, who meet to discuss a playground incident. Alan and Annette’s son hit Michael and Veronica’s son in the face with a stick, resulting in two broken teeth. The four of them agree to discuss the incident civilly, but, as the night wears on and drinks are imbibed, the polite veneer breaks down. The couples initially spar against each other, but the men gang up. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the lamplighters Community Theatre, 5915 Severin Drive, La Mesa. Tickets are: adults $23; seniors, students, active military $20; groups of 10 or more $18. Visit lamplighterslamesa.com.
Tuesday, Jan. 14
Create a Vision Board
Use essential oils to create and empower a vision board. 6-8:15 p.m. at San Pasqual Wine Tasting Room, 8364 La Mesa Blvd. $10. RSVP to [email protected] or call Nancy at 619-933-1716.
Cafecito NetworkingThe San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce presents an opportunity to meet new “Referral Partners” who can help you grow your business. There are no fees or attendance requirements. But the chamber asks participants to support the local venue selected. The main focus is to bridge the gap from various groups and networks in the South and East (San Diego) County with other professionals who are interested in increasing their referability. 8-9:30 a.m. at Brew Coffee Spot, 6101 Lake Murray Blvd. register at bit.ly/2YSCusY.
Wednesday, Jan. 15
The Dalí QuartetThe Dalí Quartet brings its signature mix of Latin American, classical and romantic repertoire to stages and audiences of all kinds. The quartet’s passionate energy is poured into everything they do, generating critical and audience acclaim for their classical roots, Latin soul. 7:30-9 p.m. at Cuyamaca College, 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway, El Cajon. Tickets range $5-$15 available at bit.ly/2soGZ26.
Note Catchers
California Note Catchers, four-part harmony chorus, invite ladies of all ages to their rehearsals 7-9 p.m. Performances throughout SD. Located in Social Hall of La Mesa First United Methodist Church, 4690 Palm Ave. 619-464-3727.
La Mesa Walks!
Enjoy a fun walk with friends and neighbors. First and third Tuesdays, meet for a fast-paced walk in the evening from various locations around La Mesa. On the second Tuesday, meet at 9 a.m. for a slower-paced walk beginning at the La Mesa Library, and on the fourth Tuesday, meet at 9 a.m. for a slower-paced walk beginning at the Porter Park Gazebo. Call 619-667-1300 or email [email protected] for more information.
Senior Women’s Support Group
City of La Mesa offers senior women’s support group, every Wednesday 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd. Please contact 619-667-1322.
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday is a health series normally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Herrick Library, 9001 Wakarusa St. in La Mesa. Admission is free and advance RSVP is not required. Light refreshments and informational handouts will be available. For more information, call the library at 619-825-5010 or visit herricklibrary.org.
Grossmont Center Farmers Market
Grossmont Center hosts a produce-only farmers market, 2-6 p.m. in the back lot in front of the Dollar Tree.
Movie Matinee
The La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center hosts a series of modern and classic film viewings every Thursday at 1 p.m. in the center’s main hall. Cost is $2 per ticket. For movie listings, visit bit.ly/2FVrOSQ.
La Mesa Farmers Market
La Mesa’s farmers market offers fresh local produce, florals, pastries, live music, and arts and crafts each Friday. 3-7 p.m. along La Mesa Boulevard. Free.
Shop Local Market
Last Saturday of the month at Grossmont Center, participating shops set up tables outside and offer markdowns and new product showcases. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa.
McKinney House Museum
The McKinney House Museum, 8369 University Ave., is open Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. Fall 2019 exhibit is “La Mesa’s Hospitals: A Brief History of Local Healthcare Institutions.”
Traveling Stories
Visit Grossmont Center each Sunday for an interactive story time for kids. Kids visit the StoryTent, pick out a book that interests them, and then read it out loud to a volunteer. The volunteer asks engaging questions that help the child build reading comprehension and critical thinking skills all while earning book bucks to trade for cool prizes. Free. 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa.