Society for Creative Anachronism practices
Every Wednesday and Sunday
This nonprofit educational organization is devoted to the study of the Middle Ages and Renaissance eras. The group reenacts the historical period while learning about medieval Europe. The reenactments include the “fun parts” like feasts, costumes and sword fighting (leaving out the plagues, beheadings, etc). Fighter practices are from 6 – 9 p.m. on Wednesdays and noon – 3 p.m. on Sundays at Briercrest Park (9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa). Visit sca-caid.org for more information.
Ovarian cancer fundraiser
Friday, Aug. 28 and Friday, Sept. 25
This monthly fundraiser benefits local charity Nine Girls Ask and national charity Ovarian Cancer Alliance. Sterling silver Silpada jewelry will be on display at San Pasqual Winery (8364 La Mesa Blvd.) for attendees to peruse while enjoying wine and light appetizers. No RSVP necessary. Purchases optional. Visit sild.es/WWY to shop the jewelry online.
Free blood pressure screenings
Tuesday, Sept. 1 and Friday, Sept. 18
No appointment necessary for these free screenings by a registered nurse on Sept. 1 from 9:30 – 11 a.m. at the Sharp Grossmont Senior Resource Center (9000 Wakarusa St., Room 16, La Mesa) and on Sept. 18 from 9:30 – 11 a.m. at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center (8450 La Mesa Blvd.). Call 619-740-4214 for more information.
Painting classes
Thursday, Sept. 3, Saturday Sept. 12 and Wednesday, Sept. 16
Paint-a-Holics and Paint and Palate will both host painting classes at San Pasqual Winery (8364 La Mesa Blvd.) this month. The admission price of $35 for each class includes step-by-step instruction on a pre-determined painting for you to create and take home. The canvas size is 20 inches by 16 inches, and you’ll be provided easels, supplies, aprons and, of course, paints. Paint-a-Holics hosts the Sept. 3 event with a “Moon Tree” theme ($35). Paint-a-Holics also hosts the Sept. 12 event with a “Tropical Flower” theme. Paint and Palate hosts the Sept. 16 event with a “Dancing Daisies” theme. Visit SanPasqualWinery.com for more information and to sign up.
Grossmont High School class of 1950 reunion
Saturday, Sept. 5
Grossmont’s class of 1950 is celebrating 65 years since graduation with a luncheon from noon – 4 p.m. The event will be held at Silver Gate Yacht Club (2091 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego). The buffet lunch will include: Caesar salad, baked chicken with prosciutto, grilled vegetables, pasta primavera salad, fresh fruit and apple cobbler. Admission is $25 and can be made by cash or check (to J.E. Grimes). Graduates are welcome to bring spouses and friends. Reservations must be made by Sept. 1. Email [email protected] or call 408-623-0008.
‘Healthy Snacking’ seminar
Thursday, Sept. 10
This installment of La Mesa’s “Live Well 2015 – Community Wellness Series” will take place from 6 – 7 p.m. at the La Mesa Community Center (4975 Memorial Drive). This occasion will focus on ideas for “tasty and healthy family friendly snacks.” A hands-on demo at the event will include samples. The “Live Well” workshops are all free. Visit CityOfLaMesa.com/LiveWell for more information and to RSVP.
Taste of Old Town
Thursday, Sept. 10
This event gives attendees the chance to sample food and beverages from local restaurants while meandering through San Diego’s Old Town. Various locations will also host live music and entertainment to keep with the festive vibe. A trolley will provide free shuttle service with several stops throughout Old Town. Taste of Old Town will be held from 6 – 9 p.m. Participating restaurants include Barra Barra Saloon, Old Town Mexican Café, Old Town Tequila Factory, Rockin’ Baja Lobster and more. Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 the day of the event, and $25 for food only (designated drivers). Visit TasteofOldTown.com for more information and visit bit.ly/1WdAvs7 for a chance to win tickets from La Mesa Courier.
Ladies’ pampering party
Saturday, Sept. 12
This free event from 4 – 5 p.m. at Kwaisun Studio (8380 Center Drive, Suite C, La Mesa) will include a Hatha yoga class, Mary Kay makeup lesson, door prizes, refreshments and more. The party is limited to 25 people. RSVP to 619-713-5566.
Casino excursion for seniors
Wednesday, Sept. 16
Senior citizens are invited to join a group trip to Golden Acorn Casino. For $7, seniors can ride the bus from the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center (8450 La Mesa Blvd.) to the casino. All seniors will receive a voucher for $20 of play at the casino. The bus leaves the Adult Enrichment Center at 8:30 a.m. and will return by 3:30 p.m. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 619-667-1322.
Grossmont and Helix high schools class of 1952 reunion
Thursday, Sept. 17
The class of ’52 is celebrating 63 years since graduation with a luncheon for both Grossmont and Helix high school alumni. The event will be held at Sycuan Resort (3007 Dehesa Road, El Cajon) at noon. The fee is $21 per person for lunch. RSVP and direct questions to Pat Howes at 619-461-6243
Community e-waste recycling
Saturday, Sept. 19 and Sunday, Sept. 20
The La Mesa Chamber of Commerce is hosting this event at Grossmont Center (5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa) from 9 to 4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Items to be collected include: televisions, monitors, computers, cell phones, printers, microwaves etc. Collection will take place in the back parking lot between Chuze Fitness and Fuddruckers. For more information visit GrossmontCenter.com or LaMesaChamber.net.
International Day of Peace in La Mesa
Sunday, Sept. 20
This annual event aims to bring awareness to “the need to promote peace, unity and goodwill in both local and global communities.” This year’s theme, as declared by the United Nations, is “Partnerships for peace – dignity for all.” Our local celebration for International Day of Peace is sponsored by The Interfaith Council of La Mesa. Festivities start at 3:30 p.m. at Aztec Park (7945 Morocco Drive, La Mesa) and will include representations of peace through words, song, dance and art displays. Children’s choirs from various churches will perform between various games and crafts for families. Members of various faiths — including Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Baha’i, Buddhist and others — will express words of peace. Visit interfaithlamesa.org.
Community holiday chorus rehearsals
Monday, Sept. 21 – Monday, Nov. 30
The California Note Catchers’ annual holiday concert is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 6. Rehearsals start Sept. 21 for community singers and the local women’s a cappella group California Note Catchers. Participants will learn a minimum of two holiday songs arranged in four-part harmony to be performed at the concert. The weekly rehearsals are from 7 to 9 p.m. (community singers are only required to stay for the first hour) in the Social Hall at the La Mesa United Methodist Church (4690 Palm Ave.) No experience required. A deposit of $20 per singer is requested to cover the cost of sheet music and will be returned at the end of the program; rehearsals are free. Visit CaliforniaNoteCatchers.com for more information.
‘Don’t Get Hooked’
Wednesday, Sept. 23
This free presentation and lunch is designed to help seniors and caregivers learn how to avoid financial scams and other crooks. Supervisor Dianne Jacob will lead the event, which will include speakers ranging from scam victims to experts on elder abuse and financial crimes. The event is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., with check-in beginning at 10:30 a.m., at the Ronald Reagan Community Center (195 East Douglas Ave., El Cajon). Those interested in attending can call 844-899-1597 or register online at surveymonkey.com/r/DontGtHooked by Sept. 17. For more information visit sdcda.org.
‘How to Talk to your Doctor’
Friday, Sept. 25
A free workshop to help patients learn how to talk to health care providers. Sharp program coordinator Andrea Holmberg will present strategies for choosing a provider, communication during visits and the importance of pre-planning. This program will take place from 11 a.m. to noon at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center (9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa). Visit Sharp.com for details and to register.
‘Sundays at Six’
Sunday, Sept. 27
The special fall edition of the “Sundays at Six” concert series at Harry Griffen Park (9550 Milden St., La Mesa) features two bands. Starting at 6 p.m., San Diego Concert Band and Delta Music Makers will perform in the park’s outdoor amphitheater. These concerts are free and open to the public. Visit LaMesaParks.org for more information.