Cabrillo National Monument and the Cabrillo National Park Foundation will hold the third annual Cabrillo Sunset 5K at 7 p.m. on Saturday July 22. This event raises funds that support the educational, interpretive and outreach programs that positively impact more than 1.2 million visitors and 15,000 students per year. Runners and walkers will start at the Visitor Center and then through Cabrillo’s coastal Mediterranean landscape (one of the rarest in the world) then down the steep Cabrillo Road to some of the best preserved rocky inter-tidal tidepools on the West Coast enjoying pristine ocean views the entire time. Runners in the men’s and women’s division finishing in first place will be awarded free admittance into the America’s Finest City Half Marathon on Sunday, Aug. 12. Run, walk or cheer. The $25 registration fee includes a numbered runner’s bib, limited edition special event T-shirt, one-of-a-kind commemorative medal and access to Cabrillo National Monument at Sunset. Register at Active.com: search for Cabrillo Sunset 5K. Space is limited to 500 runners/walkers. Costume and exaggerated dress is encouraged; this is a fun-run like no other. After the race, relax and enjoy DJ Mike spinning music and emceeing the event as the moon comes up. Vendors will be on hand handing out post run swag.