September was a busy month for District 7 and the Navajo communities.
So, let’s jump in with what me and my team have been working on.
Allied Gardens off-leash dog park
With the help of Parks and Rec staff, I held a community forum and collected feedback from the community on what an off-leash dog park in Allied Gardens would look like.
The event was held at the Allied Gardens Community Rec Center and I was thrilled to see so many residents show their support for the project, offer advice, and express their concerns over this project. I will continue to work with Mayor Gloria and Parks and Recreation Staff to finalize this proposal, and it will come before the Allied Gardens Recreation Council for a vote of support on Monday, Nov. 14.
Our pets deserve a place where they can play and be free without the constraints of a leash.
Storm water pipe replacement in Del Cerro
I was informed by staff members with the City’s Storm Water Division that crews began critical repairs to our storm water infrastructure located on College Avenue. This high priority project is located on College Avenue between St. Therese Way and Rockhurst Drive. The storm drain at this location required replacement due to a heavily corroded metal pipe.
The stormwater pipe replacement project includes the following work:
Removal of160-feet of the existing 24-inch corrugated metal pipe which will be replaced with 165-feet of 24-inch reinforced concrete pipe along College Avenue.
Modification of 1 curb inlet & 1 headwall.
Installation of an additional 3 clean-outs.
The project duration is expected to be 60 working days. College Avenue will have designated traffic control restricting northbound lanes during construction.
San Carlos Library update
I have always said that my main capital improvement project priority for the District is the construction of the new San Carlos Library. I am very happy to share an additional update.
I recently received word that the final steps in the acquisition phase for the library are finally beginning to happen.
Stantec is currently completing the repaving of the parking lot and once completed, will provide the closure letter to the City. At that point, the City will begin the process of purchasing the land. I have been working closely with the City’s Department of Real Estate to ensure this occurs as quick as possible.
Community office hours
Join me for October community office hours. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions regarding what is happening in the City and in District 7. See details below to schedule your time.
Thursday, Oct. 27
11 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.
Linda Vista Library
Schedule your time by sending an email to Cheryl Willis at: [email protected].
– Campillo represents the Seventh Council District of the City of San Diego and serves as the Chair of the Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Committee.