Saturday, Nov. 17 is national “America Unchained!” day. Take the challenge. Start with one day and unchain yourself by purchasing only from local independent businesses. No need to purchase additional items, just purchase what you normally would. If everyone bought goods and services at locally owned independent businesses, it would not only preserve the local community character but it would also enhance the local economy.
Local ownership means that profits circulate within the community, and unlike national chain stores, independent merchants patronize small regional distributors and wholesalers, rely on other local independent businesses for services such as printing, sign-making, bookkeeping, computer consultants, et cetera.
Results of studies have shown that dollars spent at community-based businesses create a multiplier effect in the local economy. Basically, from each dollar spent at a local independent business, three or four times as much typically goes back into the local economy ” compared to a dollar spent at corporate chain-owned/contracted businesses.
Local independent businesses play a critical role in the character of a community, and their disappearance leaves a real social and economic void. They foster a sense of community, they sustain the local economy and they ensure choice and diversity. In comparison to corporate chains where profits are promptly exported to corporate headquarters and corporations often undermine community interests.
So get out there on Saturday, Nov. 17 and celebrate local independent businesses by supporting them with your purchases and with your smiles of thanks for being there for the full benefit of the community! These businesses define our sense of place, but we often forget their survival depends on our patronage. Buy local? You bet! Think local first!