Three Los Angeles men forced a 35-year-old man and 29-year-old woman back into their car at gunpoint as the couple walked to a restaurant on Ingraham Street on Monday, Feb. 2, according to police. The couple had parked and were walking to Rocky’s Crown Pub on Ingraham Street when three Hispanic males carjacked them. A canine officer spotted and pursued the southbound vehicle along Ingraham Street before they jumped on the eastbound Interstate 8. The officer notified other officers and the SDPD helicopter. As the vehicle sped along the freeway, the suspects tossed two handguns out of the car, which were later recovered by police. The suspects pulled over along the center shoulder median near Hotel Circle Drive where the men jumped out of the car, ran across the westbound lanes, and tried to hide in the brush near the Motel 6. Gustavo Martinez, 20, Rafael Ortiz, 22, and Raymundo Quezada, 23, were arrested after taking the couple, and the 2007 BMW, on a wild ride. “[The victims] are ok physically, just a little bit shaken up,” said Mònica Muñoz, a San Diego Police Department spokeswoman. The suspects’ court date was set for Wednesday, Feb. 4, according to a public information database.