The Bishop’s girls lacrosse team is off to a strong start in Coastal Conference play, winning their first five games behind some solid leadership by six seniors, including midfielders Ericka Pfister and Jordyn Mariam.
Early in the 2023 schedule, the Knights downed rival Francis Parker 13-7, a nice reversal from last year’s two conference losses to the Lancers. “We played fluidly, athletically, aggressively, and as a team,” said Pfister, the team’s leading scorer and assist maker who is working at modeling an active role through her example and encouraging younger teammates as one of coach Meg Carr’s captains.
Mariam, the squad leader in ball recovery, spells out her dual role on offense and defense as a middie: “If we don’t win the ball on the draw (like a jump ball to re-start play after every goal), it is important that I quickly get to the ball and box out to win the ground ball.” She turned 18 on March 27 and plans to study biomedical engineering in college.
Besides motivating multiple passes to get the ball upfield quickly on offense, Jordyn says on defense, “I need to quickly find my player and stay aware of where the ball is, to potentially get an interception or turnover.”
Carr calls Natalie Marvin, a sophomore, a “game-changer” due to her stick skills, quick draw recovery, and shot placements. Alongside her on the Knight offense are Alex Pfister, a sophomore, freshman Ava Brocious, senior Phoebe Paradez, and freshman Sabrina Feldman.
The older Pfister, Ericka, has a unique view of the ground-breaking value of learning and using new skills. “Something we are working on is using more creative and athletic skills,” she says, in other words, each player growing her game rather than “sticking to what we (already) know.” She and her coach agree she has put a lot of time in to help create a “welcoming environment” for the more than 35 JV and varsity players in the Bishop’s program.
Carr, in her 21st year at the helm, while serving also as the head field hockey coach, senior class advisor, and department chair of P.E. and Health, has a favorite saying: “Move on dot org”: If you’re over-stewing about something or you miss a catch, you need to move on and get the ground ball; no need to freak out or sulk.
Three defenders are returners: Nicola Xanthopolos, Lainie Jeffery, and Lexi Black, who are good at forcing turnovers and getting the ball to attackers. The Knights, in a somewhat unusual move, are rotating three goalies right now — Sofie Verma, Marina de Mata, and Lela Felix.
Right after the Francis Parker win at Parker in the second game of the season, Bishop’s manhandled Santa Fe Christian, another away game, in a big way, 21-3. Ericka Pfister attributes part of the crucial early wins to teamwork and camaraderie. “We work to make plays for each other, rather than creating solo drives,” she said. “Our team is very selfless.”
Photo by Ed Piper