When considering online therapy, most of us consider if it’s really all that legitimate. Because some of the largest online therapy providers are tech firms, it’s understandable to be a bit skeptical. But, research has proven that licensed therapists can deliver equally as effective treatment online as they can face-to-face. Conversational therapy like CBT is after all just conversation, and it turns out the mode of communication isn’t all that important.
Live therapy vs online therapy in San Diego
If you’re weighing up whether to use live therapy or online therapy, it’s important to be reassured that the effectiveness is pretty much equal. But, there are a lot more factors to consider, and for those that live in San Diego, there are specific considerations in regards to this area, too.
Sadly, much of our decisions in life come down to money – even things important like healthcare and therapy. When it comes to costs, therapy options in San Diego are pricey. It’s estimated that sessions of therapy in San Diego range from $130 to $160 per session on average. Yet, this expert comparison between the 2 biggest online therapy providers shows that therapy costs between $60 and $90 per week.
Even better still, online therapy options have much better discounts and sign-up offers. For example, the two biggest sites have a 50% first-month discount and an $80 first-month discount respectively. Obviously, live therapy options in San Diego offer no such promotions.
It’s also important to consider that it can be difficult to find a therapist in San Diego. Even if you can stump up the money, there may be waiting lists or merely just having to wait until your next session to come around again.
Online therapy San Diego, on the other hand, has more instantly available therapy. In fact, it’s not just the time availability, but the sheer choice of therapists. If you don’t like your therapist, it may take another wedge of time to find a replacement. But on an app, it can be instantaneous.
Insurance is a tricky topic when it comes to US healthcare and such, but insurance in San Diego is usually cooperative towards online therapy. You may find there’s co-pay a lot of the time, but ultimately it’s possible to find insurers that will cover online therapy. Check the online therapy sites specifically to see if they accept insurance, as not all do. The same goes for Medicaid, it does technically cover online therapy, just like it does with live therapy.
Therapy methods
As mentioned in the introduction, online therapy is just as effective as live therapy. But, this is when comparing each using the same method, of course, for a fair experiment. It is important to consider though, some methods just don’t work online.
It’s predominantly fringe and alternative therapy methods, granted, but it’s still a limitation. For example, drug-based therapy, VR therapy for PTSD and agoraphobia, hypnotherapy, and to a lesser extent, occupational group therapy. There’s no room for gardening in a group or physical activity, online methods are pretty much restricted to just talking. Fortunately, this is the standard therapy that’s at the forefront of helping people, so most people do not require or want alternative therapy.
General service
The therapist’s endeavor to help you can be taken as the same across both options. But, what about the company they represent? It is worth considering that if you want to file a complaint or get your money back, or some other concern, the service of a physical, traditional therapist’s office would be better. Perhaps not always, but many of the online therapy industry giants are run like tech companies.
So, whilst the service from the actual therapist is great (in many instances, far better, because they may be instantly accessible over text), sorting out complaints/queries with a customer service person may be poor. Live chats, for example, are not what you want in a time of distress.
One of the major benefits of using online therapy sites California is that it’s far more accessible. Beyond just money, many people can’t go to therapy because they haven’t got the time or mobility. Rural areas or simply having a busy work schedule can mean it’s difficult to find a time when both you and your therapist are free. Then, when you book a session, you have to wait for it and travel there physically.
Compare this to online therapy. You’re more flexible with timings, because you can do it wherever you are from a phone, but the therapist is also more flexible, because they needn’t factor in commute times and can therefore fit in more sessions with more clients per week.
Those with anxiety will often prefer texting with a therapist, whilst others enjoy the benefits of the therapist being more on-demand and easily reachable.
Final word
When it comes to therapy options in San Diego, online therapy is an affordable and accessible option. With more choices of therapists, a cheaper service, remote sessions, and more choice over communication and timings, it’s difficult to argue for a traditional live therapist.
However, this is of course a personal choice. Some may prefer face-to-face meetings and are willing to pay more for it – that’s fine too. If you’re looking for CBT or conversational therapy, either option is fine, but if you want psychiatry or alternative therapy, then live sessions may be necessary.