Dear Editor,
With regards to “Unconditional Surrender” article [See “Editor’s Analysis: When is a kiss just a kiss?” Vol. 14, Issue 3], I cannot resist adding my view to the local debate that is ongoing.
As a World War II Battle of the Bulge combat veteran, I returned home to the U.S. in August of 1945, and kissed the ground when my troop ship, Queen Elizabeth, docked in N.Y.
That “Kiss” sculpture has an emotional meaning that so called “art critics,” “public art commissions”
and others cannot comprehend, because some of them were not born yet, or were just children at that time in 1945.
The “kiss” has nothing to do with lust or romance. The so-called “art critics” do not have a clue as to what the gesture signifies.
The City of San Diego is most fortunate to possess this victory symbol. It is a fitting tribute to the military men and women veterans who helped defeat the axis powers during WWII.
I am most pleased that the public support defeated the people, who simply see a sailor and a nurse locked in an embrace.
– Jerry Kronovet, Architect, artist, sculptor; via email
Dear Editor,
Interesting story about the Downtown Partnership [See “A 40-year vision lay at their feet,” Vol. 14, Issue 3]. They are paid $72,000 per year for oversight of the Clean and Safe Program that cleans the streets, trims trees, and does safety patrols. Not one cent of these services are paid for by the Downtown Partnership. Tax assessments to Downtown property owners in the amount of over 6 million dollars are collected to provide these services. … errors in the assessments were discovered almost four years ago. Many more errors were discovered in an audit completed last July. Most citizens don’t know they were overcharged. To date, no one has gotten a refund.
– Kathy Casey, via email:
Editor’s Note: Ms. Casey referenced this link in her original email:
Dear Editor:
Hi my name is Tina Kneice, I live in New Lexington, Ohio. I know this may sound like a really odd request but we NEED some help. My boyfriend has a sister who for the last four years or so has been living in San Diego Calif., basically on the streets. Her husband took her there.
Her mother receives random phone calls about her being murdered the last was on 3/26/13. We have tried everything to find out something about her and come up with no answers.
I was browsing the web and have no clue where to start so I found this news site and figured why not give it a try. We have contacted out local police and San Diego police as well. We have even contacted the FBI. We know she is there but where we have no clue, she’s not good about calling. You can imagine the feeling our family is having when we receive this call. We are asking for as much help as possible.
We know that she is wanted in West Virginia and we’d much rather see her in jail then on the streets drugged out and possible killed. If you could help in any way or be able to direct us somewhere to someone who could it would GREATLY be appreciated. My e-mail is [email protected]. PLEASE we are begging and pleading here for some kind of help and or support. Thank you.
– Tina Kneice & Gerald Vizzo