The Kiwanis Club of Point Loma will again present an ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service at the Cabrillo National Monument on Sunday, April 8. The services will be held in the lower parking lot, giving those who attend a great early morning panoramic view of San Diego Harbor and the city behind it.?This year’s services will mark the 63rd consecutive year that the Kiwanis Club of Point Loma has provided this popular community service for the people of San Diego. The gates will open at 6 a.m., with the non-denominational service beginning at 6:30 a.m. There is seating for approximately 550 attendees and the public is encouraged to arrive early. This year’s speakers are Capt. Scott Adams, commanding officer of Naval Base Point Loma and Doug Beckham, Lt. Gov. of Kiwanis Division 21. Chaplain Jerome Hinson, fleet chaplain for the Third Fleet, will conduct the service. The soloist will be Kelley Mustain, accompanied by Brent Johnson. A musical interlude of patriotic music before the service will be provided by the Navy Band Southwest and the Naval Base Point Loma Color Guard will open the ceremony. The visitor and parking fees imposed by the National Park Service to visit the Cabrillo National Monument are not in effect for the Easter Sunrise Services. A fellowship time with coffee, tea and pastries follows the services. For more information, call Barry Kistler at (619) 519-3812, or visit