By Shain Haug
Further holiday news
Last month, we were able to give you a look at the Dec. 7, 2017 Christmas tree lighting at the Waring Road/Zion Triangle. But on Dec. 8, 2017, too late for last month’s issue of the Mission Times Courier, we hosted the 20th annual Holiday Festival at Lewis Middle School.
Once again, our esteemed board member Marilyn Reed organized the Lewis Orchestra concert, the Foster School choral sing-along, and the reception at the Lewis cafeteria. Along with the entertainment and refreshments, the children in attendance participated in a drawing for Barnes and Noble gift cards. Our thanks to Marilyn for continuing this great tradition.
Town hall meetings
The next town hall meeting of the Allied Gardens-Grantville Community Council (AGGCC) will be on Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Benjamin Library, Zion Avenue and Glenroy Street. This will be our “Allied Gardens Goes Green” meeting.
Vince Mikulanis will provide a detailed explanation of the city’s Urban Forestry project and how you, for the minimal and inexpensive commitment of watering, can add a tree to our neighborhood.
We will be joined by Kit Mickelson of Ascension Lutheran Church. The church is embarking on ambitious plan to establish a community garden on the northern edge of its property. Mickelson will show us the basic layout of the garden, the costs expected, and a timeline for development. This is an endeavor we should all be glad to get behind.
Code enforcement
If the city of San Diego Code Enforcement Department is to be effective in its assigned tasks, it needs to know about conditions that need correction. At our website ( code enforcement page you will find a link to the city’s reporting form and an internal link to information about the department and its priorities for action.
Our new website
Our thanks to Cassie Rivaldi for her hard work in getting our website,, up and running. Rivaldi is a teacher at a charter school in the Chula Vista Elementary School District. She has been in education for over 10 years and she recently completed her master’s in education with a concentration in STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) from SDSU. Her engineering program has numerous honors, including the Classroom of the Future Foundation’s 2015 Inspire Award and a partnership with Qualcomm, Inc. We are proud to have her as a member of our AGGC Team.
Board of directors meetings
The AGGCC board of directors meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Benjamin Library, at the corner of Zion Avenue and Glenroy Street. Our next meeting will be on Feb. 6. Our board of directors is composed of some very fine folks, your neighbors, who care about the community and your interests. You can support them in their work by subscribing to or advertising in the newsletter, by attending our town hall meetings, and by giving them your ideas about what the community most needs.
— Shain Haug is the president of the Allied Gardens-Grantville Community Council. Reach him at [email protected]. Visit the new website at Send suggestions to [email protected].