As required by the United States Constitution, a census is undertaken every 10 years in order to enumerate all persons in the United States. At our Jan. 28 town hall meeting, Roberto Garcia of the California Census Project explained that, in addition to the apportionment of representatives to the House of Representatives, the census has many important purposes.
The count determines the apportionment of federal funds to the several states and is used to create the California legislative districts. Garcia explained the process of the census. He discussed the questions that will be asked of each of us, and the means by which we can complete the questionnaire: on paper, by telephone, on the internet, or in person at your home.
The importance of a full count of all persons cannot be too strongly emphasized. More information will be found in the minutes of the meeting in our March 2020 newsletter and at 2020census.gov. At the census website, you will also find opportunities for employment with the Census Bureau.
The Navajo Community Planners, Inc. (NCPI) is recognized by the city as a source of recommendations relative to the community plan, zoning, and land development for the communities of Allied Gardens, Grantville, San Carlos, and Del Cerro. NCPI consists of 16 members, four from each of the represented areas. The March 11 meeting at Tifereth Israel Synagogue, 6660 Cowles Mountain Road, will be preceded by the election of community members to vacant seats. This meeting will be an excellent opportunity to get to know the members from your area and to better understand the important work that this organization does. More information can be found at navajoplanners.org.
On Jan. 28, our representative participated in the initial 2020 meeting of the San Diego Network of Town Councils. This new civic organization is designed to facilitate the sharing of information among community councils throughout the city. In this context, councils can learn from each other how best to improve our neighborhoods.
At this meeting, representatives from councils in Clairemont, UTC, Serra Mesa, Mission Hills, Bankers Hill, Scripps Ranch, Sorrento Valley, La Jolla, Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, El Cerrito, and Allied Gardens/Grantville spoke about the homeless population, the state and local push to increase housing density in our residential neighborhoods, traffic congestion, and other matters of common concern. There is much to be gained by our participation.
Renewals of your subscription to our newsletter are due in March. The form for new subscriptions is found on our website at the AGGCC newsletter page. Don’t miss out on this valuable source of information.
San Diego Canyonlands will present at the Tuesday, March 24 meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Benjamin Library (corner of Glenroy Street and Zion Avenue). San Diego Canyonlands is dedicated to the restoration of the many canyons that form our urban landscape. Its goals include bringing the canyons back to their natural ecologies by repairing the damage from commercial and residential development. Join us at this town hall meeting and learn how you can enter the effort to improve and maintain our own Navajo Canyon.
Our website is located at aggccouncil.org. Give us your suggestions for what we should include and exclude from the site. We need to know what is of value to you.
The AGGCC board of directors meetings are open to the public. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Benjamin Library. The next meeting is March 3.
— Shain Haug is the president of the Allied Gardens Grantville Community Council. Reach him at [email protected] and let us add you to our email contact list.