How can the City Council even be thinking of creating zoning regulations for the illegal marijuana shops that are popping up all over San Diego? The San Diego police and district attorney say ALL of these marijuana storefronts are illegal according to state guidelines because they are operating for profit and do not meet the requirements for the patient-caregiver relationship. The primary customers are healthy young males. It is well-known that anyone can get a medical marijuana recommendation from an unscrupulous doctor and use it to buy unlimited amounts of marijuana. In September, San Diego had 60 marijuana shops, now there are over 90, and they are opening up faster than the police can investigate and close them down. Pacific Beach alone has 10 marijuana shops! Los Angeles delayed taking action and now has 1,000 marijuana shops. If this proliferation is allowed to continue in San Diego, all communities will see increased youth access to marijuana as well as the increased crime that is associated with these shops. The exploding growth of marijuana storefronts is not about providing medical marijuana to sick people, it’s about drug dealers making big bucks at community expense. Over 130 California cities have banned marijuana storefronts. San Diego should too.