By SDCNN Staff
In a letter to East Village residents, Joan Wojcik, president of the East Village Residents Group (EVRG), acknowledged the alarming rise in homeless population in the neighborhood and announced that Mayor Faulconer will meet with Wojcik and EVRG’s Social Issues Committee on July 12 to address the problem.
San Diego Downtown Partnership’s Clean & Safe program conducted a head count in May 2016, which shows a 100 percent increase in homeless since May of 2015, 785 compared to 386, respectively. It also noted a 200 percent increase in the last four years (251 to 785).
The Social Issues Committee compiled an updated report (available here), which includes effects of the recent increase on the residents and also the quality of life of the homeless. It also suggests possible reasons for the increase and recommendations on possible solutions to resolve the issue.
Also in the report, which was approved by the EVRG board and will be provided to the mayor at the July 12 meeting, are photographs of encampments and trash accumulation.
In advance of EVRG’s meeting with the mayor, Wojcik is encouraging all East Village residents to write letters to either the mayor, City Councilmember Todd Gloria or Councilmember-elect Chris Ward. Residents can either write their own letters or use one of the two form letters Wojcik has drafted (which are available here and here)
Download the report and the forms or draft your own letter and send them to
Mayor Kevin Faulconer, [email protected]; Councilmember Todd Gloria, [email protected]; and
Councilmember elect Chris Ward, [email protected].
Questions, comments and copies of forwarded letters should go to Joan Wojcik, president East Village Residents Group, [email protected].