Our San Diego County Supervisor, Joel Anderson, was scheduled to be the guest speaker at our May 17 meeting.
However, due to special circumstances the Supervisor is unable to attend our meeting but has promised to join us at a later date this year. Sometimes there are outside forces that put us in a position of having to change our plans. There are certain things that we can’t control and we just have to adjust. We will miss the supervisor but his representative will be here to let us know what is happening in the County.
Our guest speaker will help us learn how to maneuver our day when unforeseen things come up but even more so how we get the most out of our day.
Jarvis Leverson, is a Productivity Coach: “The Morning Hero. Have you ever wondered why the day has gone by so fast and you just didn’t get to as many things as you needed to?
Well, Mr. Leverson will offer some great information on how to get better control of your time and your day. Personally I do a “TODO TODAY” plan the night before, so I don’t have to worry about it in my “sleep”. Now, I still don’t get everything done that I want to, but I do feel good about my productivity nearly every day. AND sometimes I just have a “goof off” day.
Over the summer I plan to reach out to Patrick Henry High School and ask their “civics department” if they would give extra credit to their students that come to one of our meetings to get familiar with how government does work for all the people.
Elections for the SCAC are also on our May agenda, and I am happy to say we will be electing some new faces to our board along with the familiar ones. We still have room for more new members and you can join at any of our meetings. Mark Schulze will be conducting this part of our meeting.
The requirements for being a board member are you are at least 18 years old, a resident or business owner in San Carlos, have a desire to be involved with the community, attend our bi-monthly meetings and board meetings when scheduled. Contact me at: [email protected] if you have any questions or to request an application.
Join us as we hear updates from our representatives from the offices of: Congresswoman Sara Jacobs; State Assembly District 78 Christopher Ward; County Supervisor, Joel Anderson; SDUSD Trustee, Shana Hazan; and our “Happy” Librarian, David Ege.
The next meeting of the SCAC will be held Wednesday, July 19 at the San Carlos Branch Library at 6:30 to 8 p.m. 7265 Jackson Drive, San Diego.
Photo credit: Pixabay.com