Back in 2000, the Peninsula Community Planning Board was largely comprised of architects, developers, realtors and investors. I have always said they should be represented on the board but not control it. In the ensuing years, gradually there was equal representation by members of the public, who only had the community’s best interests at heart. When the former Naval Training Center was given to the Corky McMillin Co. for a pittance — in return for a number of things they were to do to benefit the public — a conflict ensued. McMillin [I believe] succeeded in ducking out of all of those commitments by foisting them off on others. This is exampled by the parkland rehabilitation, the cost of which was pushed off on the Liberty Station residents by creating a Mello Roos District. Then the cost of bringing up to city code the Navy buildings in the historic district was pushed off to a foundation created by McMillin with only a token donation. Thus far [I believe] McMillin has also ducked out of building the sorely-needed parking garage that was in the precise plan. The list goes on and on. The McMillin company in consortium with some Realtors and other special interests. including a former City Councilmember who [I believe] contrived to oust the non-business members of the public on the board because they were objecting to McMillin not abiding by the agreements in the development and disposition agreement, the precise plan and the advisory committee recommendations relative to their getting all that public land for next to nothing. On June 17 there will be another attempt by the PCPB majority at placing yet another McMillin crony, Suhail Khalil, on the board, despite his rejection by the public majority in the last four public elections. Jarvis Ross Former PCPB member Point Loma