Here we go again! So-called “town council” members and other would-be government agencies calling the beach alcohol ban an outstanding success. Did these people ever take a college course that wasn’t a humanities class? They laud statements like “amount of trash and number of arrests and rescues were down,” and consider it a sweeping success. Any statistician will tell you that the numbers they are looking at wouldn’t pass a single confidence test. In lay terms that means they aren’t significant. I wonder if any of these “officials” went to Kate Sessions Park this year. Better yet, I wonder if they went to the park the next morning to see the aftermath. Broken tents, barbecues, clothes, trash and, yes, alcohol bottles and cans. And I wonder who was cleaning that mess up. I didn’t see Surfrider or Coastkeeper there in the morning. There was one city worker there from 4 a.m., and I bet he wasn’t happy to see the work in front of him. As our hardworking council members pat themselves on the back and congratulate each other for keeping the beaches “family friendly,” the drunken revelers have simply moved to other nearby areas and come up with better ways to hide their alcohol. I wonder if those council members took part in the multitude of house parties on Law Street. Or maybe they were out the next morning picking up trash, not at the beach but on the streets just three or four blocks inland from the sand. What’s that, you say? You mean the “beach community” includes more than sand and shops? People actually live there? Yes, well done, council members, on declaring “victory” and silencing the evil “pro-alcohol chanters.” Your ignorance is bliss.