If i were to prepare a treatise on how not to resolve the subject (Peninsula Community Planning Board) ballot issue, Mr. Strong’s response in the Beacon (Thursday, May 24) would be a classic example.
Whether it be ignorance by design or indifference by intent by attacking members (Cynthia) Conger and (Geoff) Page and advocating a housekeeping at PCPB, Mr. Strong plays right into the hands of the pro-developer city government. The PCPB is a volunteer oversight group whose mission is to ensure that community issues are heard at City Hall. This dedicated volunteer group has been at the forefront on such community issues as “The Heicht Limits, N.T.C.” and a host of other questionable issues the developers and politicians were trying to pass.
The necessity and desire to strive for perfection in the PCPB is acknowledged, but for Mr. Strong to suggest we “clean house” is to me “exalted nit-picking.” Now, the term nit-picking is neither scientific nor technical, but it does convey the most appropriate connotation for the issue. If we must throw the baby out with the bathwater, what have we accomplished on the PCPB issue?
A group of neophytes, who lack the history and experience of dealing with the pro-developer city government.
As a 20-plus-year resident of the community, I would like to suggest that all eligible voters turn out in force on June 9 to show our appreciation of the existing volunteers who fight the community issues on our behalf.