POINT LOMA — The Southwestern Yacht Club (SWYC) presented a check for more than $5,000 to Operation Homefront during a Dec. 2 luncheon of the yacht club. Operation Homefront provides emergency and morale assistance to American troops, their families and wounded soldiers when they return home. The check was presented by SWYC representative June Bush to Jay Anderson, chapter president and retired Marine Corps colonel, and Wanda Duarte, director of family services and retired master sergeant. The funds were raised throughout the year from raffles and other activities at regular luncheons hosted by the yacht club. “It is the least we can do to support our troops and their families who have given up so much for us,” said June Bush, wife of SWYC Vice Commodore Dan Bush. “When I took on the role of chairing the monthly lunch I wanted to use the opportunity to raise funds for the troops.” In addition to the donation to Operation Homefront, Southwestern Yacht Club has also collected hundreds of paperback books to send to the troops overseas via OperationPaperback in the last few years. The Southwestern Yacht Club sponsors a Charity Bay Race as one of several community and humanitarian outreach efforts. The SWYC also supports a Special Olympics Sailing Program, the Junior Foundation (providing scholarships for youth sailing programs) and other charitable programs. The SWYC, located at 2702 Qualtrough St. in Point Loma, was formed in 1925. For more information, call (619) 222-0438, or visit www.southwesternyc.org.