PACIFIC BEACH — Pacific Beach Town Council (PBTC) President Rose Galliher announced on Sept. 15 at the general membership meeting that — per a vote of its members — the PBTC will not lend formal support in the form of a letter to the 1,850-square-foot deck expansion project at the Pacific Beach Shore Club. Of the 222 mail-in ballots collected, there were 133 votes opposed and 89 votes in support of the project. “At our next board meeting we will discuss what to do as a result of the ballots as a no vote,” said Jennifer Dreyfus, PBTC board secretary. The vote is the result of a motion made at the June 16 PBTC meeting by Scott Chipman, a general member of the PBTC and a board member of the Pacific Beach Planning Group. His motion called for a vote of the general membership to decide whether the PBTC should lend formal support to the 1,850-square-foot deck expansion project at the Pacific Beach Shore Club. The rift developed in April when Galliher wrote a letter of support for the project to the San Diego Police Department on behalf of the PBTC board. Some from the general membership, however, challenged the board’s decision to send the letter without the input of the general membership, setting up an onslaught of debate and chaos at subsequent general membership meetings. Many restaurant and bar establishments in close proximity to the Shore Club currently offer outdoor seating to patrons.