Re your front page “comprehensive” article about airport noise (“Airport revs up plan to dampen jet noise,” March 19 Beacon, page 1): What nonsense you and all the agencies peddle! My wife and I have lived in Ocean Beach/Point Loma for 32½ years and have seen multi-engine jets take off with hardly a whisper. The technology to muffle (jet engines) fully is available. So why don’t we just say to the airline businesses, you can only use our airport with fully muffled jets? Well, because: • the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority is pro-business; • the Peninsula Community Planning Board is pro-business; • the San Diego City Council is pro-business; • the FAA is pro-business; • the Peninsula Beacon is pro-business. This puts business ahead of individuals. We individuals do NOT want any Quieter Home Program, which is for idiots who don’t understand we live here because we like to have the windows open, even in the winter, drink a martini on our front porch, champagne on our back patio, enjoy gardening in our 5 gardens. All you can say is “new and hopefully quieter planes.” Sure, we can hardly wait. Also, something that no one mentions is that every time one of those jets takes off over us, it is laying down a blanket of poisonous exhaust. Make the airline business clean that up too. We won’t be holding our breath.