Dear Editor,
University City residents, in particular, those living just west of 805 across from Miramar, MCAS runways, have been trying to find a “neighborly” way to open a dialogue with the military and FAA staff to discuss documented errant flight take-off patterns and elevated noise levels. These residents have come to the University City Community Association meetings to voice their concerns and to seek our support.
The hundreds of home owners living in this vicinity are there by choice and expect aircraft noise. But when it’s obvious many aircraft are not following the prescribed take-off routes, and are directly overhead at low altitudes, it becomes problematic and a safety concern. Complaints are called in to the duty officer, but rarely is there any response.
Many of these same residents were living there in 2008 when lives were lost in the tragic crash of a Miramar-based aircraft. UCCA wants to assist and cooperate in the establishment of a forum for these safety issues to be heard and addressed. Particularly in advance of the expected arrival of the noisier and controversial F-35C jet aircraft.
University City residents urge cty council member, Barbara Bry and U.S. Congressman Scott Peters to support their constituents and reach out to the Marine command at Miramar, MCAS and the FAA air controllers, and ask them to establish an on-going dialogue with their “neighbors” across the freeway.
Barry Bernstein, UCCA president