CCDC sets up coffee talks
Downtown residents will get their chance to converse one on one with Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) President Nancy Graham all year long in a new series called Coffee with Nancy.
The first in the series will take place Friday, Feb. 2, 8 a.m., at CCDC’s Downtown Information Center, 225 Broadway, first floor. The general public is welcome to chat with Graham about a variety of topics. CCDC is calling it “an informal community conversation about downtown issues and projects.”
“It’ll provide the opportunity to talk about different things that are happening during the year ” different topics and different questions that people might have,” Graham said. “I think it’s really hard for people to get information sometimes if you’re not in the traditional loop, so to speak.”
Graham further described the upcoming event as a more laid-back, less structured way for people to have more information ” people who aren’t necessarily involved with the downtown neighborhood associations and businesses.
Coffee with Nancy will take place every other month, according to Graham, and, if successful, will be held every month.
As to available topics, “anything is on the table,” according to Graham.
For more information, visit or call (619) 533-7148.