As the result of a miscommunication, the Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) held its Oct. 21 meeting on the steps outside the Hervey/Point Loma Branch Library rather than inside the library. The nine board members present conducted the meeting under the glow of the orange parking lot lights before a scant public audience. Although PCPB Chairman Charles Mellor had announced plans to be absent from the meeting, Vice Chairwoman Helen Kinnaird apparently did not make arrangements in advance to get the library key, forcing the meeting to be held outside. The meeting lasted roughly an hour. The meeting’s highlight was the presentation of a final report on the Rosecrans Corridor Mobility Study — a plan to ease chronic traffic congestion in the Midway District. City project manager Oscar Valdivieso presented the report, which included 22 concepts to improve traffic flow along Rosecrans Boulevard from Old Town Transit Station to Kellogg Street. The concepts were derived from a nine-month intensive study. PCPB members asked questions about the report, and Traffic and Transportation Subcomittee Chairman Scott Brown said his committee would meet to further study the latest options before the next PCPB meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18. The 12-chapter report can be found online at