PACIFIC BEACH — At the Pacific Beach Town Council meeting on Nov. 17, San Diego Police Officer Bill Miles instructed the public on how to assist the police with vandalism related crimes. Miles is part of the Graffiti Strike Force and is the single officer on the specialized detail for both the Northern and Western divisions. “I track all of these graffiti related incidents,” Miles said. He compiles data regarding individual graffiti marks and then uses the information to assist the district attorney’s office in building larger cases against suspects. The suspects often spray paint or etch a personalized “tag” or initials onto a surface, thereby leaving incriminating information, which prosecutors use to build stronger cases against suspected vandals. Citizens can email Miles at [email protected] to report vandalism crimes. Included in the email must be a photograph of the vandalism, the location of the crime, date and name of the victim. He insisted that citizens cannot send too many e-mails and that he does view each one.