My memories of Dr. Herbert York I recall having met Dr. Herbert York many years ago at a local World Affairs Council gathering in San Diego. I knew some of his great achievements, and they are numerous. But, his fundamental work to end World War II via the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, as odious as it was for the devastation that it caused, it was the only thing needed to end the Japanese killing Americans without cessation, even when warnings were prevalent that America would bomb, because not to do so was to have at least 100,000 American troops killed. There are many who may not quite be clear that this was a matter whether we stop the Japanese or have American troops with so many casualties. Had there been an alternative, I am sure that the American administration would have opted to not use the atom bomb. This is one of the tragic chapters in history for which there was no other way. And had Dr. Herbert York done nothing else in his life, we all must bow our heads to the person who like most of us preferred peace. But, we must never be less vigilant to those would harm us without shedding a single tear and only triumph in our downfalls. Frieda Levinsky, La Jolla Seal of approval made for TV TV’s Jon Stewart and his writers should be popping cans of Red Bull right about now — news from La Jolla has just given them grist for “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. Can’t you see Stewart reminding viewers that yes, this is the same La Jolla where one overzealous wing nut recommended importing folks from Arizona to act as “bench sitters” to keep the homeless from resting on them. Then he’ll go on with “but wait, there’s more…” Superimposed on the television screen will be the heading “Seals of Approval,” and he’ll talk about how the seals have invaded the Children’s Pool — a revered cove where, in the day, rich kids learned how to swim — until the seals, tired of climbing on the nearby rock outcropping off the shore, decided that the beach would better suit their needs for resting and birthing. Cut to folks above the cove, looking down and watching seals and their pups on the sand, basking in the sun. Cut to video of Mayor Jerry Sanders, former San Diego Police Chief, at the podium, as Stewart reads the mayor’s plan to remove the seals with paid workers walking on the sands of the Children’s Pool blasting them with the sounds of barking dogs and spraying them with water. Cut to the seals. Stewart tells folks this is a 24/7 plan, lasting for months and years to make the seals give up their sandy beach. “But wait there’s more…,” says Stewart on camera, teasing us by saying, “You won’t believe what happens next.” Cut to councilwoman Sherri Lightner at the La Jolla Recreation Center, addressing residents about the seals and asking, rhetorically, why use sound effects of dogs barking when you can use real dogs? Stewart, off camera, tells viewers that Lightner wants “to turn — wait just a minute,” he says with emphasis, “turn what has been designated historically and legally as a children’s beach by the late Ellen Browning Scripps into a dogs’ beach to chase away the seals!” Stewart asks us to conjure up images of dogs chasing seals. And then he reminds us what is obvious: a designated children’s cove now overrun with barking dogs chasing seals. “Everyone knows what that means,” smirks Stewart. Actually, now that I think about it, I hope Stewart does broadcast the segment. It’s sure to point up the folly of our elected officials and encourage tourists to see the seals upfront and personal just as they have done for the last 10 years. “Hello, Stewart, I have an idea I want to pitch…” Chuck Buck, La Jolla Disappointment felt on East Coast re seals While living in La Jolla, I enjoyed walking to the beach and watching the seals. I could spend hours admiring them, but also loved seeing the looks of joy on the faces of the many tourists, especially children, who came from all over to this special place. I found the seals by accident on a visit to La Jolla a year before I moved to California from Boston. My fiancé and I were looking into grad schools and spent our spring break driving from San Francisco to San Diego visiting universities. Our final stop was San Diego, and on our last day we took a walk and found the seals. I was in immediate awe of this sight, which looked completely natural for this beautiful town. I told my fiancé right then, that if we move to California, it had to be to La Jolla. The area was beautiful, but the seals sealed the deal. I looked forward to our move, and felt lucky to be a part of a community that offered something so special to the world. I had no idea how many people knew about the La Jolla seals outside of California. I’ve since moved back to the East Coast, and when people here find out that I lived in San Diego, one of the first things I hear is, “I love San Diego. Did you ever get to see the beach where the seals lay? It’s amazing!” The seals contribute a lot to the community, including great marketing for the area, which draws tourists and their money. So today, when I read that the seals will be removed, and done so by using hoses and a recording of barking dogs, I felt sincere disappointment in the city. Additionally, in an uncertain economy and for an area that relies heavily on tourists, I especially think this is a bad time to remove a huge attraction. To top it off, the removal is costly with removal upkeep costing $688,934 a year. However, most importantly, I think that if you remove the seals from the beach, La Jolla would be losing a huge piece of that natural beauty that makes La Jolla so wonderful. Mary Yard, Norfolk, Connecticut Why are seals abused? The plan to “disperse seals” is just one more insane proposal by some locals who are unable to live on this planet without owning and controlling all of it. This idea is truly an embarrassment!! La Jolla is certainly living up to its reputation for extreme elitism! The seals are a delight, admired and loved by a majority of residents, especially the children. So, instead of welcoming them to our (their) shores, we are going to run up and down the beach, amplify obnoxious sounds and carry on like lunatics to chase them away. Shame on us! Are we going to let a handful of disgruntled residents control our lives? Seven hundred thousand dollars a year of our tax money will be needed to pay for this idiocy. I would like to see Sherri Lightner stand up for our right to protect the seals from such encroachment. Tanja Winter, La Jolla If seals go, so will she I was horrified today to learn that the seals at La Jolla are going to be removed from the beach. And for what? So that people can swim there again! This is ridiculous. There are miles and miles of beach that we humans can use here in Southern California, and to take this one little spot away from the seals is just plain greedy and selfish. I have only lived in San Diego since September 2008, yet have already lost count of how many times my husband and I have driven to La Jolla to watch the seals resting on the beach. Not to mention the many visitors that we have proudly taken there to show them this great local treasure. It is truly my favorite thing about San Diego. There are not too many cities in the world where you can come and watch these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat for free. Just think of all the tourism the seals bring to San Diego! In fact, if the council were smart, they would stop wasting taxpayers money deciding if and how to get rid of the seals, and instead, they would think of ways the city could benefit from having such a unique display of marine life! Would it really make such a difference to our lives to have one more choice of coastline to use? I think absolutely not! If the seals were to be “removed” from their home, I can personally say that I would never again visit this beach, or any part of La Jolla. Not to swim, play, lay in the sun or for any other reason. I find it offensive that some people think that us humans deserve this spot more than the seals do! Stefanie Bauer, San Diego