Boom boxes, bikinis: banned list endless
I applaud Dr. Arnold Flick’s viewpoint on not banning smoking on the beach (Butts banned at beach,” Village News, June 22, page 1). I am not a smoker but resent taking people’s rights away on a public beach. There are many more offenses taking place on the beach.
What if next week the “council” decides to ban people from wearing bikinis or thong bathing suits to the beach? What about people playing noisy boom boxes? Doesn’t that fall under noise abatement? What about people setting up elaborate barbeque and picnic areas and littering their debris? The list can be endless.
Why can’t people be fined for littering of all kinds at the beach? And, I agree with Dr. Flick (even though I am not a physician) the smoke is not dangerous in such a large, outdoor area.
Lenore Kaplan, La Jolla
Ironic/intent apply
Webster’s in their dictionary defines the word ironic as “a form of speech in which the real meaning is concealed.”
Now what does this word have to do with La Jolla? Lots. For those of you following the recent lawsuit against the Community Planning Association, you will note that “ironic” applies quite appropriately. In case you have not heard, this suit was dismissed on June 22. Yes, that would be only 49 days after it was filed. Applying the “ironic” definition above would lead you to question what the real meaning of this suit was?
If you looked even further, you would see that at the mere mention of the City of San Diego retaining outside counsel to defend this CPA, the Plaintiff immediately agreed to fully dismiss the suit. In fact, the proposal from the Plaintiff’s attorney was to “dismiss the suit the very next day provided that the City does not retain outside counsel to defend the La Jolla Community Planning Association.” I guess you would ask why anyone would go through all the time, trouble and expense to file this suit and its flashy Web sites only to dismiss the whole case at the mere hint of opposing counsel?
The other outcome of this fiasco was that the CPA would update its bylaws, but again, applying the ironic definition, this CPA was already in process of doing so as part of a citywide mandated update of all community groups’ bylaws. So again, you ask, why would anyone litigate for an update of bylaws that were already required to be updated within the next 12 months?
I guess that would lead you to another word: “intent.” Again, Webster’s defines this as “an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions.” Could it be that there was never any intent to pursue this suit other than to slander and defame an organization who are guilty of nothing other than volunteering thousands of hours to assist the City of San Diego Planning Department. If any of the outlandish claims in this suit were true and able to be proven, why not pursue this suit? I guess that gets back to that other word ” ironic.
The fine people of La Jolla will ultimately make up their own minds, but before anyone again remembers the claims made in this lawsuit, we trust they will spend a moment and think about it before rushing to any judgment. Hopefully, when they consider all the allegations they will remember those two words: ironic and intent and use those in their consideration of the La Jolla Community Planning Association.
Timothy Golba
President, La Jolla Community Planning Association
” Ed. note: Some of the allegations regarding the LJCPA are still under investigation by either the City Attorney, mayor’s office or San Diego Planning Commission.
Which airport is safer?
Jason Wells’ review of the airport problem is the best I have read to date (“Campaigns coalesce around Miramar,” Village News, June 22, page 3). Factors, I believe, our citizens need to face well before Nov. 7 are:
1) Can San Diego “ever” get enough water and sewer processing for another million residents, in spite of airport needs ” and on top of our ridiculous funding problems?
2) Marines have always been the most adaptable of all our military and they could move to Yuma now with the defense quarter-trillion-dollar budget! They did at El Toro!
3) Where are the facts about which airport is safer (not just noisier), Lindbergh or Miramar, for residents ” after millions spent on “studies”?
Walt Tice, Pacific Beach