PCPB candidate forum slated for March 5 The Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) will host a community forum Thursday, March 5 at the Hervey/Point Loma Branch Library to give a sneak preview of candidates for the March 19 PCPB election. The forum, which runs from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., will provide a chance for the residents and community members to pose questions to the candidates. Community members will elect 5 of 10 hopefuls who have so far filed for candidacy in the race, said Dee Wylie, PCPB elections committee chair. “The forum is a chance for the community to be more acquainted with the candidates,” Wylie said. “So come and support the candidate of your choice.” The candidates in the race include (from candidate applications posted online): • Chris Veum, architect; • Nancy Graham, urban planner/project manager; • Doug Cohen, self-employed, 20 years’ experience in real estate finance development; • Geoff Page, construction claims consultant/former PCPB chair; • Joseph Holland, property manager/business owner; • Steve Lombardi, architect; • Cal Jones, attorney/current PCPB member; • Helen Kinaird, 3-year PCPB member/active community member; • Mary Gmitruk, engineer; and • Matthew Sanicki, chiropractor. The candidates will field questions submitted by the audience through a forum moderator. Candidates will have an opportunity to answer general questions. The audience may also direct questions to individual candidates, Wylie said. The forum provides a venue for the Point Loma and Peninsula community to meet potential board members before PCPB election on Thursday, March 19 from 4 to 8 p.m. The library is located at 3701 Voltaire St. The PCPB advises the City of San Diego on land use and planning issues affecting some Peninsula communities including Ocean Beach Highlands, Point Loma Highlands, Loma Alta, Loma Palisades and Loma Portal. The communities of Fleetridge, Roseville, Sunset Cliffs, Wooded Area, La Playa, Roseville and Liberty Station fall within the planning area of the PCPB. For more information visit www.pcpb.net. OB artist to be featured guest on DirecTV show Renowned Ocean Beach artist David Linton, whose works are collected internationally, will be the featured guest of personality Barry Chappell on DirecTV’s “Fine Art Showcase” show on Saturday, Feb. 28. Linton will be interviewed from 6 to 6:30 p.m. prior to a live auction of 20 of Linton’s framed original works. Telephone operators will begin accepting bids at that time, Linton said. “They are mostly San Diego scenes and some universal images,” Linton said. “Some of these will include sailing landscapes and seascapes.” Linton said the show will air on DirecTV 223 but that viewers who do not have that channel may also view it live by computer by visiting www.fineartshowcase.com and clicking on the “watch live” option to the upper left of the screen. Linton is a 25-year resident of Ocean Beach. For more information about him and about his upcoming appearance, visit his website at www.davidlinton-art.com. OB?Kite Festival, craft fair to take flight March 7 The Kiwanis Club of Ocean Beach is preparing to host handicrafters and artisans who will show off their wares at the 18th annual Ocean Beach Kiwanis Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 7. The craft fair coincides with the popular 61st annual Kiwanis Ocean Beach Kite Festival on the same day. The craft fair raises money for the kite festival, Ocean Beach Elementary School, Point Loma High School and other community projects. Booths may be reserved for $35. As part of the kite festival itself — which draws more than 1,500 children and families for a day of fun and excitement — kite construction takes place from 9 a.m. to noon, with the kite contest at 1 p.m. The free event takes place at the Ocean Beach Recreation Center and OB Elementary at the corner of Santa Monica Avenue and Ebers Street off Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. For more information or to reserve a booth, call (619) 225-8705.