Note: This letter is in response to a guest commentary in the Oct. 22 issue of Beach & Bay Press. We couldn’t agree more with Mr. Chipman’s sentiment that Pacific Beach has wonderful assets. It is truly a great community and one of the best places anywhere to live, work and play. It is also a major visitor destination and business district that welcomes millions of tourists as well as locals. The mix of restaurants, hotels, bars and shops in PB generate millions of dollars annually and valuable tax revenues that serve the community. The importance of the hospitality industry in PB cannot be understated and part of what makes PB so special is its casual beachside vibe that includes our local bars and restaurants that are continuing to generate business activity, even in today’s challenging economy. There is always room for improvement and that is why, in part, the Pacific Beach Hospitality Task Force was formed 10 years ago. The Task Force is made up of more than 20 local business owners and managers who meet monthly and work to make sure restaurants and bars in PB comply with all rules and regulations and operate responsibly to keep PB an attractive, fun and safe entertainment destination. The work of the Pacific Beach Planning Committee should and does address how the community should develop for the future. However, Mr. Chipman’s action to form an alcohol advisory subcommittee under the control of the Planning Group raises great concern from the PB hospitality community. The proposed makeup of the committee is largely unbalanced and under represents the business community of Pacific Beach that knows the complex processes that it takes to obtain a license. These concerns prompted numerous attempts from both Discover Pacific Beach and the Hospitality Task Force to work with Mr. Chipman to form a group that would provide community input to law enforcement regarding alcohol licenses and modifications. It was while these discussions were taking place the Planning Group moved forward in creating the Alcohol Advisory Subcommittee without regard to concerns expressed by the business or hospitality community. In addition, at the time that the subcommittee was formed, there were no commercial representatives on the Planning Group. PB already has a fair, impartial and balanced advisory board that is comprised of equal representation from the Planning Group, Discover Pacific Beach and the Pacific Beach Town Council. That is why Discover Pacific Beach believes that the Pacific Beach Special Events and Business Advisory Committee can be the advisory group for business development and alcohol licensing. We support the PB Special Events Committee’s October vote to expand its scope of work to include this role and become the Pacific Beach Special Events and Business Advisory Committee. For the past two years, the Pacific Beach Special Events Committee has been very successful at evaluating and reviewing events that have contributed positively to the community. With this group already in place, and with its successful track record, taking on this important new task makes perfect sense. Discover Pacific Beach agrees with Mr. Chipman’s goal of supporting “desirable businesses that enhance the community.” We want much of the same when it comes to businesses in PB and we will continue to promote responsible business practices in order to maintain the safe and welcoming business environment of PB. It is important to recognize that this new group is only an advisory committee and the ultimate decision on alcohol licensing rests with the San Diego Police Department and Alcohol Beverage Control. Discover Pacific Beach is interested in working together with the Town Council and the PB Planning Group to find solutions that will fairly represent all community stakeholders in PB. We look forward to continuing our dialogue and working together to make PB an even better community. Andy Hanshaw, executive director, Discover Pacific Beach