Two views of District 1 race There are relatively few days left before one of the most important election decisions facing us. I’m not talking about Obama/McCain — I’m talking about Sherri Lightner vs. Phil Thalheimer. I’m a Sherri supporter, because I’ve seen her in action and been on committees with her to see her love for La Jolla and her open, honest and transparent dealings on issues of importance to our community. Someone said “all politics is local” and our City Councilmember has more impact on us than any other politician. We would be missing a real opportunity to elect someone who knows La Jolla and has vowed to give us fair and open representation. We’ve been missing that type of representation for some time and it would be a shame to let an outsider, such as Phil Thalheimer, buy his way into representing us. Please turn out and vote for Sherri Lightner for our City Council person. John Beaver, La Jolla A recent flyer appeared in my mailbox with District 1 City Council candidate Sherri Lightner posing with two San Diego firefighters in front of a fire truck. This flyer misleads the public to believe she has the endorsement of the Fire and Rescue departments. The truth is that she has the endorsement of their labor union. To garner votes from environmentalists, Sherri Lightner has expressed her opposition to the Regents Road Bridge. This bridge will provide a second evacuation route for the residents of University City in the event of another catastrophic wildfire in this area. The bridge will also provide an alternate route for fire and rescue equipment to reach victims of heart attacks, strokes and other traumas and transport them quickly to local emergency rooms. The Fire and Rescue and police departments have strongly endorsed the urgent need for this bridge. How can Lightner oppose this critical piece of infrastructure and still claim she is the candidate for public safety? This is a deceptive political advertisement and a ploy to fool voters. Phil Thalheimer is truly the candidate for public safety and will support the City Council’s 2006 decision to build the Regents Road Bridge and keep people safe. He deserves the people’s support. Marcia Munn, University City Legal battle over harbor seals Attorney Paul Kennerson, whose client has moved to New Zealand, is about to win the fight to rid the Children’s Pool of seals and clean it up for other swimmers. The seals must be scared away and that will certainly happen when dredging begins. I’m guessing that the seals will then haul out on rocks and narrow beaches to the north, including La Jolla Cove. When all is quiet again they will return to their old home and find a pristine but smaller beach. No matter! They like to swim and fish at high tide anyway. Maybe some will choose to reside at “The Cove.” The city will regain its wonderful wildlife exhibit (perhaps a larger one), after a huge waste of taxpayer money. Helene Peck, La Jolla Propel modern society in a modern way Burning massive amounts of oil to make our cars putt around is primitive and outdated. I want to see more research in alternative fuels to propel modern society. UC San Diego is finally realizing the benefits of renewable energy — they are installing massive solar panels atop eight university buildings to harvest the free energy of the sun. There are too many complaints that solar and wind energy are not efficient or cost-effective. This will change as more serious effort is placed on improving and actually using these renewable technologies, as UCSD is doing. Nick Stavros, La Jolla