Seven overtime minutes ruins a lovely afternoon “Welcome to La Jolla” said Officer Najera’s parking ticket. You have exceeded your one hour of allotted parking by seven minutes. We make more money issuing parking tickets than we do collecting taxes from our fancy restaurants and our downtown merchants. We did enjoy a lovely lunch but after receiving our parking ticket, we decided to skip shopping. Maybe a review of your village’s budget and an examination of the public perception given by your strict parking policy are in order. If you make more money issuing $40 parking tickets than you do collecting taxes, you’re in business. If not, and if a pleasant visit is what you want tourists to remember, maybe you should extend the allotted parking times. Karen Coffman, Annapolis, MD Street can’t take it We write to express our opposition to the proposed Chabad development in La Jolla and support of the views of Friends Of Hidden Valley and their efforts to stop the development. We would be pleased if you could voice our opinion in La Jolla Village News. We represent Hidden Valley Estates, a 39 home private community which is located at the end of Ardath Road in La Jolla. Chabad has proposed a commercial development of 23,666 square feet, including parking at the corner of Ardath and Hidden Valley roads that will put our families and friends at risk. Hidden Valley Home Owner’s Association (HVHA) is opposed to the proposed development as it will further confuse and congest the corner of Hidden Valley Road, Ardath Road and La Jolla Parkway (“The Throat”) causing dangerous situations for both motorists and pedestrians. Equally a concern of ours is that an increased number of confused motorists will enter our community not realizing that Ardath Road terminates at our entrance. Visitors to the proposed development not familiar with the area and attempting to exit La Jolla via Ardath Road will naturally be inclined to follow Ardath into our community, if they miss the small turn onto La Jolla Parkway. Our community roads are quite narrow and we have many families with small children who use our streets. The speed limit on Ardath Road is rarely observed by those looking for access to La Jolla Parkway, while the speed limit in our community is only 15 MPH. It is already our experience that motorists mistakenly transitioning from Ardath into our community do not slow down, make frequent and dangerous u-turns and are generally upset at having found themselves in a private community with no alternative but to turn around and keep looking for an exit. We strongly oppose the proposed Chabad development and would be happy to discuss this situation further. Should you have any questions, please visit Mark Talbot Dave Bernard Hidden Valley Estates Home Owner’s Assoc. Help at hand for stutterers International Stuttering Awareness Day was Oct. 22, so it’s a great time to remind your readers that there are speech-language pathologists in your area who specialize in helping people who stutter. The nonprofit Stuttering Foundation provides a free list of local resources for your readers. Just call 800-992-9392, or visit our Web site, Click on “Referrals” for a listing of local therapists. In addition, our materials are in 8,500 libraries nationwide. To see if your local public library shelves our materials, just click on “Check Your Library” at the Web site listed above. We also provide the latest research information and self-help materials compiled by the leading authorities. Thank you for helping us reach those who stutter in your community. Jane Fraser President, Stuttering Foundation of America Memphis, TN