A new year traditionally calls for new resolutions and desires, including wishes for the community. A handful of community leaders were asked what they would like to happen locally in 2010 and what they know is going to happen in the coming year: City Council District 2 Councilman Kevin Faulconer Crown Point pavilion “We’ve been working with the Crown Point and Pacific Beach neighbors, and the Rotary Club to try and get the opening of a new Crown Point pavilion, which are multiple picnic structures that allow families and small groups to enjoy that park of Mission Bay. Some of these structures are falling apart and we’re working to replace those and get those up by Memorial Day this year. Our neighbors and residents are going to be able to enjoy a great place to go picnic on Mission Bay Park this summer.” New park committee “The beginning of our new Mission Bay Park Committee and the fact that revenues generated from leases will now stay in Mission Bay Park for the benefit of public uses. This month, our new committee is going to get started to oversee that process and be a watchdog on all of the important environmental issues and public recreation issues at Mission Bay Park.” Mission Beach Town Council President William Gardner More the merrier “We would like to see more participation by the residents – the people who work down here and live down here. You don’t have to be an owner down here to participate in the Town Council. You always want more people to participate – diverse ideas from everybody. The more people there, the more ideas.” Paving the boulevard “We’re supposed to see the paving of Mission Boulevard from the roller coaster south. That was supposed to be done this month and it was put off until next month. The city is going to be doing that.” Blue can do “We’re going to be getting blue cans from the city for recycling. We’re having a meeting in the middle of January with the city for how it’s going to be done. We just don’t want them to drop off 3,000 new cans.” Pacific Beach Planning Group Chair John Shannon Public participation “One specific PBPG goal for 2010 is to increase community awareness, participation and input on issues coming before the PBPG.” A long list “We currently look forward to a pickup in the review of new and remodeled developments, construction of the long-awaited Rose Creek bicycle/pedestrian bridge, review of alcohol license applications and modifications, creating an overall community approach to solving traffic and transportation issues, exploring ways to influence the community- business mix, and possible amendments to the Community Plan.” Discover Pacific Beach Executive Director Andy Hanshaw Business boon “In the new year, I’d like all of our businesses to do well. Hopefully things will start to turn around and we’ll see good signs in the new year for more businesses.” Better connections “We’re going to focus on connecting better with our businesses and providing more resources for our businesses – building our tools to help promote PB and their business. We’re working on more visibility in the community for our small businesses.” Mission Beach Precise Planning Board Chair Carlton Nettleton Making MB better “We look forward to our final updates to the Mission Beach building code to be approved by City Council and we want to begin the process of the beautification of Mission Boulevard.”