THE FOLKS WITH WINDOW SEATS witnessed quite a spectacle at Starbucks when a cat decided he didn’t want to get a check-up at Pacific Beach Veterinary Clinic. He broke loose and headed west on Garnet, then switched directions and bounded across the street to the honking of horns and squealing of brakes. Then it was back across Garnet and north on Fanuel. “They’ll NEVER catch that cat,” someone said. I think it was me. It wasn’t long before the owner and the vet technician could be seen in the distance, the cat cradled in the vet tech’s arms. Reminded me of the great Far Side cartoon of the dog leaning out the window to brag to his friend, “Hey, Rusty — I’m going to the vet’s to get tutored.” THREE DAYS LATER I noticed a fellow waiting for his coffee, wearing street clothes and a stethoscope. Turned out to be Chris Hoolihan, who’s purchased the clinic from Jane Corrican. I started to tell him about the runaway cat. “Don’t start,” he replied, “that was my uncle’s cat — and he hates my uncle.” “Why didn’t he bring the cat in a cardboard carrying container?” I asked. Turned out the uncle did just that, but the cat had wet himself so thoroughly that the bottom dropped out of the case when the owner pulled it from the car. NEWSMAN JACK GATES calls them PB Ponderings. He’s bemused by the fact that the OTM Fight Shop has opened for business next to the Hare Krishna Temple on Grand Avenue. He also finds it odd that Frazee’s can’t come up with the paint to get rid of the graffiti on the north wall of the building. IT LOOKED LIKE A FENDER BENDER, and it might have been. I couldn’t see any damage when I passed the two cars under the I-8 bridge on Ingraham. The owners had exchanged information, however, and it was hard to decide who was wearing the bigger grin — the cute, blonde girl or the ruggedly handsome young male. I WAS HEADED WEST on the 56 last week, into a setting sun. A quick check of my rear-view mirror revealed the red and blue flashers of the Highway Patrol — or so I thought. The car eventually passed me and only then did I see the multi-colored plastic CDs strapped to the visor. Their reflection looked for all the world like — well, you know. FROM A DISTANCE it looked like energetic window washers were taking care of the upstairs windows of the new Crossfit, caddy-corner from the Wells Fargo Bank on Garnet and Fanuel. On closer inspection it was two well-chiseled gentlemen tossing what appeared to be medicine ball as high as they could. They looked like pretty good advertisements for crossfitting, whatever that is. EVERY AUGUST I APPLY for an assistant position and every August I hear nothing. I’m talking about the annual Fit Matters Event, where Macy’s experts help the ladies find the “perfect fitting bra.” — John Fry may be reached at 272-6655 or [email protected]