Rosecrans Corridor study now halfway complete The nine-month Rosecrans Corridor Mobility Study that started in June is halfway home. The study aimed at improving transportation along the corridor is scheduled to select a preferred alternative to help resolve traffic issues at a meeting next month. So far, the study’s 12-member project working group has held four monthly meetings. The public has also been involved with this process by participating in “walking audits” of the four different areas in June and July and voicing their concerns at two community workshops, the most recent of which was held Sept. 16. Project working group meetings are open to the public. The next one will be held Monday, Oct. 19 from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. at the NTC Command Center on 2640 Historic Decatur Road. For more information or to submit comments, visit Walk/run fundraiser to help cops afford homes The San Diego Association of Realtors will bring back its popular 5k walk/fun run fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 26 to benefit the SDAR Ambassadors Foundation Everyday Heroes Program. The event, which begins at 8 a.m. at Liberty Station, aids San Diego Police Department (SDPD) officers in buying homes near the neighborhoods they protect through mortgage interest rate buy-down assistance and/or mortgage insurance buyouts and also providing first-time home buyer education. Last year’s inaugural event drew more than 250 participants and helped raise money for six officers who have already moved into homes in San Diego. Teams and individuals can sign up in advance for $25 per person and make monetary donations by calling (858) 715-8005 or visiting Sponsorship and promotional booth opportunities are also available. Military to offer H1N1 flu shots to servicemembers Defense Department officials are preparing to launch a vaccination program against the H1N1 flu virus and the traditional flu and will be making the shots available to all military members in early October. The vaccination program will allow military personnel to avoid having to pay for H1N1 flu vaccinations from civilian doctors and at the same time preserve available vaccine supplies in the public stock, according to Army Lt. Col. Wayne Hachley, director of preventive medicine for the Defense Department’s health affairs. Military officials said vaccinations against the traditional flu are already being made available to servicemembers at no cost. For more information, visit Weight-loss challenge event planned in OB A local resident is challenging people to a competition to lose weight and get healthy. The non-profit, eight-week Ocean Beach Challenge starts Wednesday, Sept 30 and includes tips on nutrition and exercise, paired with a little friendly competition. The course, hosted by Nina Fussing, has an entry fee of $29, $25 of which goes into a prize-pot for the biggest losers (by percentage of weight). The winner takes home 50 percent of the pot, with 30 percent and 20 percent awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place winners, respectively. The event takes place at 1958 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. To register, call (858) 703-7195, e-mail [email protected] or visit