Following testimony from both sides on the same-sex marriage issues surrounding Proposition 8, the San Diego City Council voted 6-2 to urge citizens to vote no, and opponents of Prop 8 picked up an unexpected vote by District 2 Councilman Kevin Faulconer. Faulconer didn’t explain his vote, but he joined councilmembers Donna Frye, Toni Atkins, Scott Peters, Jim Madaffer and Ben Hueso in opposing Prop 8, which would take away the right of gay and lesbian couples to legally marry in California. Voting to urge a yes vote on Prop 8 were Tony Young and Brian Maienshein. A year ago, Faulconer, Young and Maienshein voted against the city filing an amicus brief to the state Supreme Court in support of the same-sex marriage issue. With a majority of City Council support, Mayor Jerry Sanders signed the brief in an emotional news conference in October 2007 after acknowledging his daughter’s gay lifestyle. Proposition 8 differs from the amicus brief in that it is a Constitutional amendment to overturn the marriage right that the California Supreme Court conferred on gay and lesbian couples in June. The proposition qualified for the ballot before a higher court could rule. Faulconer participated in a long City Council meeting after the vote, and neither he nor his spokesperson could be reached for comment. “Marriage is a union between one man and one woman,” said James Hartline, a former homosexual who is now a conservative Christian activist. “This vote today doesn’t represent the will of the people of San Diego,” he said. The vote followed a rally at City Hall by those who hoped councilmembers would urge a yes vote on Proposition 8. Hartline and others said it was not necessary for the City Council to debate the social issue that voters will decide Nov. 4. Hartline said he received more e-mails critical of the council addressing Proposition 8 than any other issue he has spoken about in many years. Hartline and others said they were disturbed the vote was taken “in the name of the city of San Diego” when public opinion is so divided on the same-sex marriage issue. Opponents of Proposition 8, including Atkins, disagreed. “Democracy is working very well. You’re all here,” said Atkins, who is gay, made the motion to recommend a no vote to voters. Atkins recently married her 8-year partner. “If we followed tradition, many people would be enslaved,” said Atkins, noting other changes such as women gaining the right to vote. “Love can’t be legislated, but contracts (of marriage) can. Nobody should be forbidden from entering into a contract.” The council also voted 7-1 to endorse Proposition A, the fire protection parcel tax. Frye cast the dissenting vote. Councilmembers similarly voted 6-1 to support Proposition 11, the redistricting measure, and 7-0 to urge a no vote on Proposition 6, which expands criminal penalties and bars anyone convicted of a felony from living in public housing.