THOSE NIPPY NIGHTS a couple of weeks back reminded me that it was time to crank up my wall heater. When it failed to respond, I remembered that SDG&E would come out and help. I called (800) 411-7343, listened to my options and decided to press 3. I didn’t have my customer number at hand, so I next chose 2 and entered all 10 digits of my telephone number. Then I was asked to press 1 and enter my street number followed by the pound sign. After that I had to confirm that I had entered the correct address by pressing 1. Then I had to listen to a computer tell me when I last paid my bill, what my current balance was and when the next payment was due. Eventually I got a recording that said — if I was willing to STAY HOME ALL DAY — they would come out in around 10 days. It’s more like two weeks if you can only commit to a four-hour stay. I think I’m gonna pay someone to come out. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Artistic Licenses: “STORK RN” was from Arizona, so I’m going with neonatal nurse rather than a SeaWorld veterinarian. “HOT TAMAL” adorned a bright red Jaguar. I chatted up “BROONET” when she came into Starbucks, noting that she was actually a blonde. She said she was a brunette when she got the plates. “ALL CASH” was on a snazzy Lexus SUV, while “UR MONEY” belonged to a Toyota 4Runner. 50 Years Ago: An article on the Mission Bay High Beachcomber noted that the publication actually made money. Editor Julie Anthony said, “After we paid our printing and newsprint costs, we had enough left over to purchase a camera for staff use this year.” Two thousand dollars in sales and $1,000 in advertising income made the difference. 75 Years Ago: The Mission Beach PTA decorated the schoolhouse and gave “an old-fashioned Halloween party for the mothers and fathers of the beach.” The Singing Mothers of Pacific Beach put out an urgent call for alto voices, hoping — I assume — to avoid a calamity. A cleanup day was held in Pacific Beach Park at the end of Lamont Street, after which shrubs donated by Kate Sessions were planted. 100 Years Ago: It was the Battle of the Titans at the Oct. 22, 1908, City Council meeting when E. W. Scripps accused Ed Fletcher of breach of contract in the construction of “The La Jolla Road” through Pacific Beach. Scripps, who had pledged to finance the work, said he had not been told it would involve construction of a bridge over the railroad tracks at the east end of town and now would not have enough money to grade Cass Street from Grand to Turquoise. John Fry may be reached at (858) 272-6655 or [email protected].