Woman carjacked in Point Loma?Heights Police say two white males about 25 to 30 years old carjacked a 38-year old woman as she delivered newspapers in the early morning hours Monday along the 4500 block of Cape May Avenue. The woman noticed a small white vehicle following her as she delivered newspapers March 9 at 3:40 a.m. in the Point Loma Heights area. According to reports, she got out of her gray 2001 Toyota pickup to deliver a newspaper. As she walked back to her truck, the suspect pushed her to the ground, took her keys and drove off with her truck. She was not seriously injured, according to police officials. The Toyota truck has California license plates: 6N19533. Both suspects were described as white males, about 6 feet tall and between 25 and 30 years old. The driver of the white car wore a long sleeve white shirt, according to the police log. Police have no additional information so far, according to a San Diego Police Department spokes-woman. Man gets 15 to life in 1995 OB sex-assault case A New Jersey man who sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in her Ocean Beach home in 1995 was sentenced March 9 to 15 years to life in prison and fined $10,000. James de Santo, 37, won’t be eligible for parole until he serves at least 15 years, said Deputy District Attorney Kristian Trocha. De Santo must register as a sex offender with a law enforcement agency upon his release for the rest of his life. San Diego Superior Court Judge David Danielsen denied probation, although de Santo’s attorney did not request it. De Santo was arrested June 27, 2007 and was given more than 700 days already served in jail. DNA evidence from the attacker was collected and preserved from the scene of the June 21, 1995 incident. The assailant’s DNA samples were added to the database and the cold case got a match to de Santo in 2006. The victim was a student at Ocean Beach Elementary School and is now 25 years old. The attack took place in a house on Narragansett Street, where the victim no longer lives. She testified against de Santo in a preliminary hearing last year. De Santo pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a minor, but four counts of a forcible lewd act upon a child were dismissed. Thursday Club rummage sale is on tap again The Thursday Club will hold its annual rummage sale Saturday and Sunday, March 14 and 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Balboa Park’s Activity Center. The philanthropic organization will place thousands of articles, from clothing to notions to bigger-ticket items, up for sale in an effort to raise $100,000 for 18 charities benefiting children, the elderly, veterans and others. For further information, call (619) 224-5264 or visit thethursdayclub.org.