Correction appended: this event was rescheduled for Nov. 6, after the wildfires
The Arc of San Diego is holding its seventh annual Community Awards Luncheon to honor ten exceptional business and community members for their contributions to people with disabilities.
The luncheon will be held Tuesday, Nov. 6, 11:30 a.m. at The Dana on Mission Bay.
The afternoon’s top honor, the President’s Award, will go to Rich and Gaby Sulpizio of La Jolla who donated $1 million to Arc’s capital campaign, which hopes to raise $3.4 million for a new facility.
The luncheon will also present nine other awards to sponsors and employment contractors for their efforts.
The Arc of San Diego is a nonprofit organization that has assisted people with developmental disabilities since 1951, with a mission to promote social, economic and personal independence, according to organizers.
“We are empowering people with disabilities by creating opportunities to fulfill their personal goals, reach their maximum potential and live as independently as possible,” said Jennifer Navarra, vice president of marketing and development.
Arc provides employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities through contractors such as Viejas Enterprises, where employees are paid to re-sort cards for Viejas Casino.
“It’s a great way for people with disabilities to earn a paycheck. It also allows them to learn color, shape, numerical recognition and sequencing,” Navarra explained.
Viejas Enterprises, along with Bwarie Gift Baskets and the San Diego Transit Corporation, will receive the Community Partner award for their services.
Arc is the largest, most comprehensive service provider for people with disabilities, according to Navarra. The organization is currently serving more than 2,500 adults and children throughout San Diego County with nine centers and 13 group homes.
The nonprofit also provides social activities that include sleep-away camps for ages 5 and older. The camps help people raise and save money for trips to Hawaii and Cabo San Lucas.
Tickets for the luncheon are available at $50 per person or $450 per table.
For more information about the luncheon or membership with Arc, contact Navarra, (858) 715-3780, or visit