Where do you draw the line? In response to “Re-drawing district boundaries draws concern,” Oct. 21: There are six houses, not five, on Bellevue Place that are disenfranchised in La Jolla in the current district map, despite the fact that the only egress for these six houses is into the La Jolla district at Colima Street. While Bird Rock Elementary and the athletic field cannot vote, the people who live in these six houses can. Some while ago, I wrote to former Councilmember Scott Peters and Councilmember Kevin Faulconer, and later to Concilmember Sherri Lightner and Faulconer, but not one of them replied. It is time this error is corrected, even though it was a decision made by men and women who, according to the city charter, “have a high degree of competency,” as noted in the Page 7 story in the La Jolla Village News. Gillian Ackland 795 Bellevue Place La Jolla City needs to advertise redistricting position I am convinced that the city intends to limit the advertising for a chief of staff at the Redistricting Commission to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the city website and nowhere else. I know of no other media outlet among my contacts that has a contract to advertise the job. In a sentence, your own clients will have to go to another outlet or know that they must check the city website to connect to this job opening. I hope that’s not satisfactory to you. I urge you to contact City Clerk Liz Maland ([email protected]) and the Mayor ([email protected]) to ask why your media outlet can’t carry an advertisement for the chief of staff job. One of your readers might be the best choice. The costs to advertise with you are reasonable and despite the city’s fiscal state, I’m sure it has $300 to $400 that it can use to reach out to people other than old, rich, white, male, middle and upper-middle class Republicans who comprise the Union-Tribune’s readership. As for the city website, that’s where city employees look for promotions and job openings. All city employees work for the mayor, so I would be unhappy if one of his employees were chosen. That’s too close for comfort. Jim Varnadore City Heights Editor’s note: The job opening for Redistricting Commission Chief of Staff closes on Dec.? 3. To view the job description, visit the City of San Diego Human Resources Department at www.?sandiego.?gov/?empopp. The city is adding a ninth City Council District to keep council members from deadlocking in 4-4 votes, and La Jolla stands a chance of being unified into a single district. The current district map splits La Jolla. Most of the community is under the jurisdiction of District 1 Councilwoman Sherri Lightner, with a small southeast portion belonging to Kevin Faulconer’s District 2. The Redistricting Commission has the sole and exclusive authority to adopt plans which specify the boundaries of districts for the City Council, and the chief of staff will be charged with hiring and training the commission, among other primary duties. Do you know where your retirement is? High Social Security payroll taxes have contributed to yearly Social Security trust fund surpluses until the proclaimed surplus is now in excess of $2.503 trillion. However, Congress has elected to sacrifice Social Security on the alter of corruption by spending the entire surplus requiring the U.S. Treasury to cover the embezzlement by issuing non-negotiable IOU bonds to the trust fund. Such economically irresponsible and morally reprehensible behavior by politicians demonstrates their total disrespect for working people. After successfully looting the trust fund, Congress now plans to loot indvidual IRAs and 401(k)s because they contain the largest source of untapped revenue. At the end of 2009 there were $4.26 trillion of assets in IRAs and $2.77 trillion in 401(k) plans. Confiscation of these retirement plans is now being formalized in hearings initiated on Sept. 14 by the Labor Department’s Employee Benefits Security Administration. When confiscation is enacted by Congress, our retirement accounts will be converted to Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs). The confiscation of our retirement and savings plans will require our government to sell equities in the private accounts in exchange for the “safety of Treasuries.” However, there is no safety in Treasuries as they are Ground Zero when it comes to fiat (paper) currency risk. The Obama administration’s 10-year budget plan predicts that the national debt of the U.S. will exceed $25 trillion in 2019. At some total debt level a tipping point will occur, causing hyperinflation resulting in an explosion of the debt bomb. When that happens, your “safe” GRA will become worthless. Robert A. Dahlquist Orange, CA