Both the boys and the girls of La Jolla Water Polo Club participated in the recent Cal State Games. The La Jolla 18U girls were tournament champions for the second year in a row, while Tori Loomis was honored with the Athlete of the Year award for her performance in the tournament. The La Jolla 16U girls placed fifth in the tournament, with the majority of the team being 14 years of age. “After winning the Cal State games last year, the pressure was on us this year to win again,” La Jolla head coach Dante Laghetto remarked. “Our girls were not living up to everyone else’s expectations; instead they were just doing their job the best way they can, and the result was winning again without choking under pressure.” On the boys side, the La Jolla 18U team placed seventh in the tournament. Both the La Jolla boys and the girls are home-based at the Coggan Family Aquatic Complex and both clubs have water polo programs for kids age 10 and under through 18. Anyone interested in playing water polo can come to any of the numerous practices during the week to “try it.” Practice schedules are listed on both club Websites: boys, www.lajolla waterpoloclub.com and girls, www.lajollawaterpolo.com. Coach Tom Atwell heads up the boys club and Laghetto oversees the girls program.