To say the tennis teams at La Jolla High have been dominant over the years would be an understatement.Both the boys and girls programs have been steady players in the CIF championships. It was no different last Friday, May 12, at the Barnes Center in Point Loma, as the boys secured another CIF crown with a hard-fought 10-8 win over neighboring La Jolla Country Day School for the Division III team title.La Jolla had captured seven straight Division II titles, but has since moved into Division III to compete.On this afternoon, it was La Jolla’s P.J. Wooley who scored a 7-6 victory in his singles match with George Pritzker to secure the win for the Vikings.The two teams advanced to the finals following semifinal triumphs last Thursday afternoon. LJCD was a 10-8 winner over Cathedral, while La Jolla rolled to a 16-2 decision over Francis Parker.The Bishop’s School also competed in the CIFs, losing a close 9-9 match (78-70 games) to Vincent Memorial to open the championships.