Community Calendar May 1 Award-winning blues/jazz guitarist and singer Robin Henkel performs May 1, 8, 22, and 29, 6:30 – 9:30p.m., Chateau Orleans, 926 Turquoise St., 488-6744, www.robinhenkel.com. All ages welcomed. May 2 San Diego Humane Society and SPCA’s 15th annual Walk for Animals, registration begins 7:30 a.m., walk 9 a.m.- noon, Crown Point Shores, www.sdhumane.org/walk, (619) 243-3408 Clean PB Day, sponsored by Pacific Beach Town Council and Beach Area Community Court, 8 a.m., meet 1503 Garnet Ave. Craft Fair, Pacific Beach Woman’s Club, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., 1721 Hornblend Hall, (619) 838-9299 Mexican trio Camila will perform at SeaWorld’s Shamu Stadium at 8 p.m. The concert, which is part of the park’s Latin music festival Viva La Música, is included with park admission. May 2-3, Rummage sale, includes collectibles, kitchenware, art, toys, games, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday; 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Sunday, Pacific Beach library, 4275 Cass St. Donations accepted prior Thursday and Friday. No clothing or furniture. May 9 Soroptimist International of Mission Bay annual yard sale, proceeds benefit community projects, 8 a.m.- noon, 1234 Turquoise St. Jenna Druck Foundation weekend conference: “Building the heart of communication for girls and women,” 9:00-11:30 a.m., Marina Village, http://jdfleadership.org 1st Annual Discover Pacific Beach Bocce Ball Tourney, 12-5 p.m., Kate Sessions Memorial Park, Lamont St., www.pacificbeach.org, 273-3303 Clean-up of Pacific Beach Point, north of Tourmaline Beach, 9-11 a.m., organized by PB 7th graders, gloves and bags are provided. Email Kyle Ketchum, [email protected]. May 12 Beach Area Community Court volunteer training, 6 p.m., 1503 Garnet Ave., www.beachcommunitycourt.com, 273 3303 Free presentation on Raw Foods and Alkalinity with Chef Mindy, 6:30p.m., Mission Beach Chiropractic, 2990 Mission Blvd suite 101, 858-539-7227 May 13 Pacific Beach Town Council sundowner, 6 p.m., San Diego National Bank, 1945 Garnet Ave. May 14 Pacific Beach Parking Advisory Group, 6 p.m., Pacific Beach Recreation Center, 1405 Diamond St., contact Mike at [email protected] May 15 National Bike to Work Day encourages workers to ride their bicycles to work. Refreshments offered at Bicycle Discover, 742 Felspar St. Community meetings: Discover Pacific Beach Board of Directors meets noon on first Tuesday of the month, 1503 Garnet Ave. Discover PB committee meetings, 1503 Garnet Ave.: Design and Improvement, second Tuesday of the month, 4 p.m.; Hospitality Task Force, third Wednesday of the month, 1 p.m.; Promotions, second Wednesday of the month, 3 p.m.; PB Special Events Committee, third Tuesday, 6 p.m. May 4 Mission Beach Women’s Club, 5:30 p.m., Mission Beach Women’s Club, 840 Santa Clara Place May 13 Mission Beach Town Council, 7 p.m., Belmont Park community room, www.missionbeachtc.org May 20 Pacific Beach Town Council, 6:30 p.m., Pacific Beach Library, 4275 Cass St., www.pbtowncouncil.org May 27 Pacific Beach Community Planning Group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Pacific Beach library, 4275 Cass St.