10th anniversary Jet Crash Remembrance
In remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of the F-18 fighter jet crash in University City, neighbors gathered at University Village Park the morning of Dec. 8. More than a hundred residents began by sharing thoughts of that tragic day, which killed four members of the Yoon Family (the youngest child only 7 weeks old), destroyed two homes, damaged several others, and caused multiple fires. Memories included students on campus during the lunch break seeing the pilot ejecting prior to the crash, a neighbor at home hearing and feeling the crash, and another running away for his life as he saw the jet heading towards him. Local dignitaries spoke briefly at the ceremony, including Congressman Scott Peters, Councilmember Barbara Bry, University City Community Association (UCCA) president Barry Bernstein, and University City Community Foundation President Ruth DeSantis. There were also representatives from first responders, San Diego Parks and Rec, and the U.S. Marines. Ten years ago, 11:58 a.m. was the official time of the crash, and at that exact time those in attendance observed a moment of silence to honor those who perished in the crash. Afterward, Pia Mantovani-Sud led a poignant bell ceremony and jacaranda tree dedication to honor the Yoon family, and noting that the community keeps the memory of the family in their hearts. The trees were sponsored by the UCCA and the UCCF, and will be maintained by the Standley Park Recreation Center. University Village Park is located at the intersection of Gullstrand/Cather and Florey streets. Those in attendance were given wildflower seed packets to plant in their gardens to grow their own living memorial. For more information about the memorial and tree dedication, visit UniversityCityNews.org. Advocating for Safe Aviation Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA) was the group behind planning of the 10th anniversary Jet Crash Remembrance, which aims to promote mutual concerns from both residents and the military for aviation safety throughout San Diego County. The group has reviewed the standard instrument procedure known as SEAWOLF8, which is designed to keep aircraft departing Miramar from flying over highly-populated areas. When pilots fail to follow the SEAWOLF8 departure procedure, they fly over residential, school, hospital and business areas of University City and unnecessarily put residents, students and workers in harm’s way. In addition, failure to follow procedure puts other aircraft in danger including those arriving and departing San Diego International (Lindbergh Field) and Montgomery-Gibbs Executive Airport (Montgomery Field). CASA is not anti-military and is not advocating that the FAA or the DoD change any procedures, but do want MCAS Miramar pilots to follow FAA and DoD mandated standard instrument departure and approach procedures. CASA plans to continue working with the military and local officials in ensuring aviation public safety. For more information, visit UniversityCityNews.org. Spring Baseball registration University City Little League invites all boys and girls ages 4-15 to participate in the Spring Baseball program. Price increases Dec. 21, so parents are encouraged to register their players now. Assessments for will be held Jan. 12. Visit ucll.org for more information and to register. UCLL is also looking for team sponsors; contact Paula Obrigewitch at 858-717-1080 or [email protected] for sponsorship info. Christmas tree and menorah lighting
On Friday, Dec. 14, the annual lighting of the Christmas tree and menorah will be held at Standley Park Rec Center. The University City Community Association provides the tree and menorah lighting. Holiday music will enhance the evening with Standley Middle School Marching Band and the Tectonics, a barbershop quartet, Coffee Bean will supply hot chocolate to go with Carl’s Jr cookies. Regency Centers, Costa Verde is underwriting many of the costs and SANDAG is providing the lighting. Santa Claus will hear the wishes of children and spend time at the dinner with Santa in the Standley Park Rec Center. Dinner tickets, from Lorna’s Italian Kitchen, are $6 for adults, $3 for children, free for children under age 2. Dinner with Santa is at 5:15 p.m. and Lighting of the tree and menorah is at 6:30 p.m. If you have questions, contact 858-552-1652. Standley Park is located at 3585 Governor Drive. Clothing drive
The Ryan Ahearn Group will be picking up clothing donations to benefit the Salvation Army. Donation bags will be distributed ahead of pick up dates of Dec. 11 through 14, and the group will pick up at your home. Anyone interested, please contact [email protected] or call David, 858-349-7468 or Ryan, 619-540-2634.