In entering her senior season at Mission Bay, senior point guard Natalie McDermott was expected to help the Bucs’ shoot for more success. Given her talents and leadership, she has definitely been a help for head coach Vince Ichihara and the Bucs.
“She was a leader for the girls and pushed them to be the best they can be,” Ichihara said. ” Natalie and Brooklynn Grooms are the only two players the last two seasons that were a part of the 2017 team that went to the semifinals, and also won the league championship. “They knew what it was like, and Nat did her best to lead them. She has been a big part of the program the last three years since I’ve taken over the program, averaging double figures in points and making all-league, all three seasons. We finished the season 9-16 losing in the playoffs.”
Beach & Bay Press recently caught up with McDermott for an email interview to discuss the season, her activities off the court and more. BBP: What got your interested in playing basketball in high school?
McDermott: I have been playing basketball since I was in fourth grade so, naturally, playing on varsity was always a dream of mine. Once I got the opportunity, I took it and made the most out of it.
BBP: Being this is your final season playing at MBHS, what are you looking to accomplish both as a team and as an individual?
McDermott: As a team I am hoping to make it to the CIF semifinals like we did my sophomore year. As an individual, I hope to become a better leader on and off the court.
BBP: What do you enjoy doing outside of basketball? Any favorite subjects in the classroom? Or you involved with any clubs at school?
McDermott: Before basketball season starts, I am the student athletic trainer for our football team. I started helping out our athletic trainer my sophomore year and now I am hoping to major in kinesiology when I go to college.
BBP: What advice would you give any girl thinking of coming out for basketball next season at MBHS?
McDermott: Just go for it! Basketball has truly changed my life and helped shaped me to be the person I am now. Nothing compares to the feeling of having fun with your teammates and winning games.
BBP: Are you thinking of playing basketball in college if given the opportunity?
McDermott: If I were given the opportunity to play basketball in college I would definitely take it! Not very many people get that opportunity so I wouldn’t take it for granted.