The latest interior home-decorating trends will be at the fingertips of those who attend the third annual “What’s up Girard” event on Saturday, Sept. 30, in La Jolla’s business district on Girard Avenue.
“Basically, in a couple blocks here we have the top of the top,” said Chad Patton, the event coordinator and owner of the shop Material Things. “With a short walk you can really see what’s going on. This is really the only place in San Diego where you have so many high-end stores in such a small area.”
Free seminars will feature experts such as Phyllis Van Doren, senior editor of San Diego Home and Garden Lifestyle magazine, and will cover everything from tabletop centerpiece designs to innovative uses for glass tile.
Two seminars will be held every hour from 1 to 5 p.m., and both the event and seminars are open to the public.
Attracting a diverse crowd of those interested in interior design and those involved in the business, the event has been successful in the past and each year has incorporated a “Chair’ity” drawing for chairs or chair-like products that each business donates, Patton said.
This year, all proceeds go to ArtsBusXpress, an organization that provides schools with transportation in order to take students on culturally related field trips.
The drawing will be held at 5:30 p.m., followed by drinks, food and entertainment until 9 p.m.
“Mainly, it’s just a lot of fun, it’s really interesting, and we just want people to have a good time,” Patton said. “I don’t know how many people realize how strong of a design district we have here in La Jolla, and it’s really growing.”
Chair’ity raffle tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the following participating showrooms: Seaside Home, 7509 Girard Ave.; Roche Bobois, 7611 Girard Ave.; Everett Stunz, 7624 Girard Ave.; Panto, 7629 Girard Ave.; Waterworks, 7636 Girard Ave.; Nestlife, 7636 Girard Ave.; DIVAN Studio, 7661 Girard Ave.; and Material Things, 7661 Girard Ave. For more information, call (858) 551-0873.