Molly Beane is emblematic of beauty on myriad of levels. Sporting her natural – and affordable – skincare product line, From Molly With Love, the budding entrepreneur is a tour de force in the skincare industry. But not only is the Pacific Beach resident determined to embed her imprint in the art of skincare, she’s intent on changing the world, one woman at a time. Because Beane believes that all women are already beautiful, her skincare products are advertised as luxury items for “taking care of yourself” while “feeling wonderful.” Noting that beauty industry giants play on a woman’s insecurities, Beane touts skincare as self-care, “a radically feminist act.” “Self-hatred is a multi-billion-dollar industry,” she said. “There is no shame in my beauty game. From Molly With Love is about enjoying everyday luxury by choosing natural, healthy, affordable skincare products. Self-care isn’t selfish. It’s mandatory.”
The former public relations professional began fiddling with natural skin care products years ago. Questioning the health, safety and expense of commercial products, she decided to create her own. “I was a skincare nerd even though I never had skincare issues,” she continued. “I simply enjoyed geeking out on research to create natural skincare products.” The Ohio native discovered that 60 percent of anything placed directly on one’s skin becomes immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, causing concern for skincare products loaded with sodium lauryl sulfates, parabens, phthalates, and aluminum; ingredients she described as toxic, some even poisonous. The lack of FDA regulations required for skincare products allows companies to infuse their products with toxic chemicals, preservatives and “mystery” fragrances.
“The beauty industry is wildly unregulated,” she said. “And not all ingredients are required to be placed on labels. Consumers have no idea what they’re putting on their bodies.”
Believing that she could a make a difference by creating something “that mattered,” she segued into skincare as an artisan. Through “trial and error,” the “one-woman show” worked like a “mad scientist on formulations.” Her skeleton beauty regimen began with “what I liked and what worked for me.” She extended her “shell product line” to friends and family who encouraged her with positive feedback. “I opened an Etsy shop and made $300 my first month,” she said. “I have a talent for business. Having achieved a measure of success in PR, I knew I was capable of even more. I did everything myself, from product development to packaging and marketing. My website. My copy. My words.”
Distribution and shipping were also added to the list of “different pieces that I’ve figured out as we grew.” Overwhelmed yet undaunted, Beane forged ahead “as way to care for myself after battling addiction and mental illness.”
In the midst of learning, tinkering and creating, the certified yogi and Reiki guru was plagued by a completely different backtrack. Despite the appearance of perfection, “my skin looked amazing, my career was on fire, I was marrying the man of my dreams and living blocks from the beach,” she was privately “a complete disaster.” Thinking that she had overcome a childhood punctuated with poverty, neglect and abuse, led to a realization that “I had been anesthetizing my feelings with alcohol.”
“I drank my way through… not dealing,” she admitted. “I knew I had a problem. Alcoholism is a progressive disease. I became a binge drinker at college. Work hard, play hard, that’s normal in today’s society. As a public relations professional, I was encouraged to take my clients out and get them drunk. On the surface I appeared fine. But my mental health was spiraling out of control.”
Beane didn’t reach a “rock-bottom” day, just another episode of binge drinking during a Super Bowl party. Her allotted bottle of wine – “my equivalent of one glass” – led to yet another night of binge drinking. “I’m at work, hung over, staring at my computer thinking, how many times will I do this and hate myself for it?” she said. “I understood the complexities of my behavior. But I also realized that life was too short to play small.”
A breakdown led to rehab. Rehabilitation led to rebuilding. And rebuilding was channeled into creativity. Her journey to heal emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically led her to “fall in love” with her hobby for natural skin care products. “Mentally prepared, I listened to my inner voice,” she said ‘Get clean and sober and all of your dreams will come true.” Leaving the corporate world behind, Beane focused her attention solely on From Molly With Love. She hired a branding agency, kept her price point low by “good sourcing,” and continued to test products on Etsy. Five-star reviews garnered acceptance to Amazon Handmade. As sales continued to increase, Beane was approached by Amazon to “help us grow.” With support came recognition and visibility in an Amazon press showcase. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) followed suit. “The Amazon platform generated a topical awareness and a good deal of sales,” she said. “Now we’re negotiating with industry giants.” Presently featured in more than 100 retailers in 30 states and five countries, the Beane team pitches at least 25 stores a day, five days a week.
“If I see a store that would fit our brand, we pitch them,” she said. Beane projects sales to cha-ching in the multi-millions within five years. “Big companies are testing our lines,” she said. “We will be successful. We’ve capitalized on clean beauty as the model for skincare is shifting to indy products like mine. The timing’s perfect. From Molly With Love is a line of reasonably priced products, made with high quality ingredients, presented in beautiful packaging that offers a luxury experience. Nothing is inaccessible. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to feel good.”
Certified by PETA as cruelty free, products are in the process of becoming certified for sales in Europe. Future goals include an active and dry skin care line, a vitamin-C infused line, mommy and baby products, color cosmetics and personal care items inclusive of shampoos and conditioners.
“Hair care is tricky,” said Beane. “Palm oil is used as a lathering agent, but it’s also harvested in ways that harm the rain forest. And that’s something I just won’t do. I work diligently to plug holes as such in our product lines. I know exactly what’s in each product and how it’s made. Every ingredient has meaning and purpose, down to the crystal-infused, ionized alkaline water used in our spray products.”
Without question, From Molly with Love brandishes a truly impressive, comprehensive, and scrumptious smelling product line suitable for all skin types. Items include a probiotic deodorant, white sage smudge spray, almond eye serum, beauty oil, Argan oil, a wild rose clay mask, rose water facial cleanser, maracuja oil, rose hip seed body scrub, a heart chakra spray and a Pacific Beach salt hair spray. While proudly claiming fame to “something I never imagined that I’d be doing,” Beane is even more delighted to approach beauty from a place of empowerment and diversity. Awe-inspiring, positive “Dear Beauties” postings are proudly declared on Facebook, Instagram and email. Website and social media models cover the spectrum of size, ethnic diversity and age, touting “crinkled with wrinkles are beautiful too!”
“We empower women to feel good about themselves,” she concluded. “Our words are in your face. You are beautiful.”
Visit frommollywithlove.com for products and information. Local stores that carry From Molly With Love
Graffiti Beach, San Diego;
Naya Wellness, La Jolla;
SeaMakersCo, La Jolla;
SoulScape, Encinitas;
Lotus Lash Studio, Encinitas;
Thistle, Ocean Beach;
Thread & Seed, San Diego;
Native Poppy, San Diego;
Wysh Boutique, Carlsbad.