Pizza, past teachers, yearbooks and a game of trivia brought La Jolla Elementary’s class of 2009 back together for an hour of memories and celebration.
The students from the class of 2009, now graduating high school seniors, were invited back for the final Pizza Wednesday of the year this week.
“Pizza Wednesday is something we have always done here at La Jolla Elementary,” said Ms. Cathy, a second grade teacher. “I think this will take them back and be a good way to send them off.”
As the soon to be high school graduates flooded into their elementary school library, looks of surprise and excitement came across their faces. Many of them hadn’t seen each other since they were finger painting and pouring glue on each other and now they were discussing where they were going to college.
“All I really remember about school was thinking this room was huge and probably that my mom was going to be mad I threw glue at this kid,” former student Jared Medina said as he grabbed his friend Jake Harrison’s arm.
“I am so excited to see some of my friends from first grade,” former student Nicole Bertrand said. “I haven’t seen these faces in forever.”
There was talk about what they all had been up to, their majors and their plans for the summer. Students reminisced about stories and projects, activities and meltdowns, field trips and performances. Every conversation started with something along the lines of, “do you remember when” and ended with “I can’t believe it’s been this long.”
“I can’t wait to get out of the state, start over and be my own person,” former student Darla Rodriguez said. “Seeing everyone now though is making me a little sad to be honest, there are so many memories here.”
Statements like, “I haven’t seen you since middle school” and “Oh my goodness, seven years and you haven’t changed one bit” were repeatedly yelled across the room as the students slowly began to recognize more of each other. When the teachers entered the room there was absolute shock on many of their faces. Almost immediately they began pulling out class photos and arts and crafts projects they had collected over the years.
“I remember everyone,” Ms. Allison, a kindergarten teacher, said. “I can recognize them all surprisingly, but in my mind they are still 5. They have all just grown up so much it’s shocking.”
After a while of talking, hugging and eating, the roughly 50 students formed a circle and shared the names of the schools they were attending in the fall. Schools like Northwestern, University of Arizona, San Francisco State University, University of Southern California, UCLA, UCSD, UCB, San Diego State University and University of San Diego were among the many mentioned.
“They are an impressive class,” Ms. Allison said. “Not to brag but to brag they were amazing when we had them and they have made us proud.”
When the game of trivia got under way many of the students seemed surprised by how much they remembered about events that happened nearly seven years ago. Trivia questions included the name of their third grade play and who played what character, the themes for different performances, which teacher had what funny objects in their classrooms and where buildings use to be prior to the renovations.
According to Ms. Cathy, the point of the afternoon was to acknowledge how far they have come, and to remember the small steps they took along the way.
“I just want them all to remember what they learned here and the friends and memories they made here,” Ms. Cathy said. “We are so very proud of each and every one of them.”