Downtown San Diego residents are invited to review the Port of San Diego’s Revised Draft of the Port Master Plan Update and learn about proposed changes that would affect future hotel development, view corridors, access to the waterfront and height limits.
Continuing robust public outreach efforts for its Port Master Plan Update (PMPU) process, the Port of San Diego has invited the public to review and provide feedback on the Revised Draft PMPU. This document will guide future waterfront business uses, public access and development of water and land within the Port’s jurisdiction on and around San Diego Bay.
The PMPU has something for everyone who enjoys San Diego Bay. A major milestone, this latest draft considers and reflects extensive and valuable community input received on the Discussion Draft released in April 2019. At this step, the Port encourages and welcomes additional public feedback.
In response to extensive public input, there are sections that may be of interest to Downtown San Diego residents in the Revised Draft PMPU. Looking ahead, the plan will allow for redevelopment of the area that includes the Wyndham San Diego Bayside and the Navy property at 1220 Pacific Highway. With any future development, the Port will protect all view corridors that are contemplated in the Downtown Community Plan. Responding to resident concerns, the Port has ensured that any new development will provide the porosity necessary to allow the public to traverse between Downtown and the waterfront, with activated pedestrian corridors. In addition, the Port codified “visual porosity,” through view corridors, setbacks and strict height limits. The Port also reduced projected hotel rooms to ensure an appropriate transition in density from the urban core to the water. The result is a vision for improving and activating this area with amenities for residents, workers and visitors to Downtown, while protecting the beautiful views of the bay.
Key components of the Revised Draft PMPU that concern the North Embarcadero Subdistrict include:
Building heights lowered – The Port’s Discussion Draft released in 2019 proposed limit heights based on the adjacent jurisdiction, which would have allowed structures up to 450 feet. Responding to community input, the Revised Draft PMPU proposes much stricter building heights than originally proposed in the area bounded by Ash Street, B Street, Pacific Highway, and North Harbor Drive. The maximum building height is now proposed to range between 80 feet and 200 feet in this area.
View corridors expanded – The 2019 Discussion Draft proposed to establish and preserve View Corridor Extensions at Hawthorn Street, B Street, West Broadway, and E Street. The Revised Draft PMPU expands the establishment and preservation of View Corridor Extensions to several additional locations, including Hawthorn Street, Grape Street, Ash Street, A Street, B Street, C Street, West Broadway, E Street and F Street.
Hotel rooms reduced – The 2019 Discussion Draft proposed the addition of up to 1,400 net new hotel rooms in the North Embarcadero. After extensive community dialogue, the Revised Draft PMPU has been revised to reduce that number to 950 new hotel rooms that would be allowed between Ash Street and Broadway. This will also include 30,000 square feet of retail, restaurant, and/or meeting space.

Waterfront access improved – The reconnection of A Street and B Street will establish porosity and greater ease of access to the waterfront.
Navy Pier’s future – In the Revised Draft PMPU, the Navy Pier is assigned the Recreation Open Space designation, setting the stage for a future park.
Window to the Bay Pier/waterfront destination park – The Revised Draft PMPU includes a vision for adding more green space and connection to a public pier. This will include synergy with the iconic County Waterfront Park.
To review the Revised Draft and provide feedback, go to portofsandiego.org/pmpu. Feedback will be accepted through Tuesday, November 17, 2020.