Community Calendar
11th Annual Father Daughter Dance for Military Families
Friday, Feb. 10
The Armed Services YMCA San Diego (ASY) hosts a dance for active duty fathers and their daughters.
The event will feature live entertainment, a magic show, a candy bar and more.
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Town and Country Resort, 500 Hotel Circle North. Visit asysd.org.

Art Exhibit: “Impressions: African-American artists and their connection to African Art”
Friday, Feb. 10 to Thursday, Feb. 23
Mesa College’s art exhibition will showcase artwork inspired by African-American culture and history. The collection features pieces from artists Andrea Chung, Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle and Robert Pruitt. Gallery hours are Monday-Wednesday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday 1 to 8 p.m. at 7250 Mesa College Drive, D101. Visit bit.ly/2jZa9uW.
Healthcare Panel for Veterans
Tuesday, Feb. 14
Veterans are invited to an expert panel about job opportunities in the health care field. Potential occupations include pharmacists, physician assistants and dental hygienists.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at MLB Center for Military and Veteran Reintegration, 4007 Camino Del Rio South, Room 204. Visit conta.cc/2jZ5dWW.

The Black Market Trust concert
Friday, Feb. 17
Dizzy’s presents the American pop/vocal jazz band The Black Market Trust. The group is currently on tour with their sophomore album “II.”
$15 cover. 8 p.m. at Dizzy’s at Arias Hall, 1717 Morena Blvd. Visit dizzysjazz.com or bit.ly/2jZ3Ffz.
Hemlock Society Presents ‘Still Alice’
Sunday, Feb. 19
Hemlock Society of San Diego’s Right to Die Film Festival will screen “Still Alice,” a film about Alzheimer’s disease. A group discussion will follow. Starts at 1:30 p.m. at Mission Valley Library, 2123 Fenton Parkway. Visit bit.ly/2kizjFz.
Open Mic: Poets Speak Out
Tuesday, Feb. 21
The annual open mic is open to students, faculty and the community. One student winner will have his or her poem performed by Dr. Ron McCurdy.
6 to 9 p.m. at San Diego Mesa College, Room TBD, 7250 Mesa College Drive. Visit bit.ly/2jZp5Jy.
Ruffin Canyon Enhancement Planning Field Trip
Saturday, Feb. 25
San Diego Canyonlands will host a field trip for their next workshop to enhance Ruffin Canyon. Wear sturdy shoes with ankle support, hat, sunscreen and water. 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at 9296 Shawn Ave. Visit bit.ly/2jZ3iBI.
Veteran’s Job Fair
Thursday, March 2
RecruitMilitary and DAV will host a free hiring event for veterans, transitioning military personnel, National Guard members, Reserve members and spouses. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Scottish Rite Event Center, 1895 Camino Del Rio South. Visit recruitmilitary.com.
Civic Meetings
Linda Vista Planning Group
Monday, Feb. 27
The Linda Vista Planning Group will hold its general meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Linda Vista Branch Library, 2160 Ulric St. Visit bit.ly/2jZpXh5.
Mission Valley Planning Group
Wednesday, March 1
Mission Valley Planning Group will hold its general meeting at 12 p.m. at the Mission Valley Branch Library, 2123 Fenton Parkway. Visit bit.ly/2jZs7gA.