No matter what side of the aisle you are on, this latest bill is appalling. Only 9% of nearly $2 trillion goes to coronavirus relief. The other 91% goes to arts, transportation, abortions, loan forgiveness for students and “socially disadvantaged farmers,” whatever that is. In reality, it is reparations.
One example of egregious spending is for Pelosi’s San Francisco. It will erase her city’s $650 million dollar budget deficit over the next two years, saving the city from making fiscally responsible decisions going forward. $350 billion has been allocated for state and local government. California gets $42.2 billion of the total sum in the form of a bail out, essentially rewarding them for bad policies. Compare that to Florida, who re-opened their economy and has lower unemployment rates compared to the national average. Out of 10 states with the highest unemployment rates, eight are Democrat run. Essentially Floridians are paying for California’s misdeeds.
To call this bill coronavirus relief is disingenuous, it’s mostly pork. $270 million is dedicated to National Endowment of the Arts, $1.5 billion for Amtrak, $20 million to update the disaster that that is called the “Affordable” Care Act and $35 billion for increased Affordable Care Act subsidies.
Democrat lawmakers tout polling numbers that state the majority of Americans approve of the bill. No, they want their $1,400 payout. What they don’t realize is that if this bill were only to help with coronavirus relief, every man, woman and child would receive $6,000.
Why are we not paying attention? Free money is not free. This debt will be passed on to many generations.
Please join us for our May 11 luncheon at The Legacy in Mission Valley. Our speaker will be Mark Meuser of the Dhillon Law Group. They have filed numerous lawsuits in California against Newsom, Pelosi and Harris for various breeches against the law and our Constitution. Meuser will address “Getting Back to the Basics of Winning in California.”
— Laura Crivelo writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.